
#704 Table and Chairs

Miami Today
Blog #704
Blog Topic: Table and Chairs

Let’s get started!
Probably, the most time-consuming part of setting up my new classroom was assembling the table and chairs. Each chair had so many pieces, and there were 8 of them!  Once I put together 2 of them, I started to get the hang of it, and could assemble them a little faster. Luckily, I had Mai-chan there to help me. It still took all day to finish all of them and the table. The table looks like one large table, but actually it is two smaller tables put together. So many nuts and bolts and screws! I was a little worried when I finished because there were some screws left that I hadn’t used.  They were probably spare parts...I hope.

今回の新教室開設にあたり、いち番時間のかかった部分はおそらく机と椅子の組み立て作業でしょう。椅子一脚にとても沢山のパーツがあり、しかもその椅子が八脚もあるのです。まずなんとかそのうちの二脚を組み立てると、コツがわかりはじめて少し速く組み立てられるようになりました。幸いなことに、そこには私を助けてくれるマイチャンがいます。それでも全ての椅子と机を終えるのに、まる一日かかりました。机は一見、一つの大きなテーブルのようにみえますが、実際は二つの小さなテーブルを付けて並べたものです。それにしてもなんとたくさんの、ナットやボルトやネジ! 少し心配になってきました、というのも作業を終えた時、使わなかったネジがいくつか残っているではありませんか。おそらく予備のネジ.....そう願っています。

Send me your homework on LINE, and I will check it! 

Write a short story, about 5 sentences about a time when you had to assemble something.
Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!

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#703 Blog Topic: Massa’s Pizzeria

Miami Today
Blog #703
Blog Topic: Massa’s Pizzeria

Let’s get started!
I didn’t know that Gumyoji has so many interesting shops and restaurants. Back in March, when I was wandering around Gumyoji, a cozy little pizzeria called Massa’s happened to catch my eye. It is just a few minutes from my new classroom. It has an old-style oven with a bar in front of it. I like sitting at the bar and watching the fire cook my pizza. The place was on the second floor. It was small, but had a nice atmosphere. The owner was very friendly and let me practice my Japanese with him while I enjoyed sipping red wine and scarfing down my Margherita pizza!  I like places like this where you can chat with the owner.  Chain restaurants like GUSTO are cheap and yummy, but they seem so cold.  Now, GUSTO uses digital menus, so you don’t even get to speak with a waiter! I shouldn’t complain about GUSTO because I do like eating there.  I just think small cozy restaurants have a unique feeling, and are more enjoyable.I feel so lucky to have found such a nice place close to my classroom.  I think I will go there often!

弘明寺にこれほどたくさんのおもしろいお店やレストランがあるとは思っていませんでした。3月、弘明寺界隈をぶらぶらしていると、Massa’s という、こじんまりとしたピザ屋が偶然目にはいりました。私の新しい教室からほんの数分のところです。お店には古い型のピザ窯があり、その前にカウンターがあります。私はカウンター席に座り、自分のオーダーしたピザを焼いている炎をみているのが好きです。お店は二階にあります。小さいお店ですが、雰囲気はなかなかです。オーナーは気さくな人で、赤ワインをすすり、マルゲリータをほおばっている私に日本語の練習をさせてくれます。こんな風にそこの店主とちょっとしたおしゃべりができるようなお店が私は好きです。ガストのようなチェーン店は安くて美味しいのですが、店員さんは冷たい感じがします。今ではガストのメニューもデジタル化され(タッチパネルメニュー)店員と話すらできなくなっています。ガストで食事することもとても好きなので、不満をいってはいけないのですが。ただ小さなレストランにはもっと楽しめる個性的な雰囲気があるように思うのです。教室の近くにこのような素敵な場所をみつけることができたのは幸運でした。足繁く通うことになるでしょう。


1. Write 3 sentences with the word "cozy".

Send me your homework on LINE, and I will check it!

*Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!

ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも



#702 The Lone Ranger

Miami Today
Blog #702
Blog Topic: The Lone Ranger


Let’s get started!

The other day when I was browsing YouTube, I came across a clip of an old tv show called “The Lone Ranger”. The show was about a Texas Ranger who chased bad guys with his sidekick, Tonto. “Lone” means alone, and a ranger is like a police officer. Tonto, was a Native American. Actually, the Lone Ranger is really old, because it started as a radio show in 1933.

There was a remake of it in 2013 starring Johnny Depp. The best thing I liked about the show was the music. The theme song was the William Tell overture finale, but I think not many people knew the name of the song, so it is well-known as the “Lone-Ranger Song”. Even today, when I hear it, I immediately think of a man riding on a horse. Whenever I feel I am getting tired, I can listen to this song, and it instantly gives me energy to get going!

Check it out!

The Lone Ranger on YouTube

先日、YouTube を閲覧していると、“ザローン レンジャー”という昔のテレビ番組が目に留まりました。それは相棒のトントと一緒に悪漢を追いかけるテキサスのレンジャーの話です。Lone(ローン)はalone(一人で)という意味でLanger (レンジャー)は警察官のようなものです。トントはアメリカ原住民です。実はこのLaneRanger は古いおはなしです。というのも1933年にラジオ番組として始まったものなのです。2013年にはジョニー•ディップ出演によるリメイク版も公開されました。わたしがこの番組で最も気にいっていたのはその音楽です。このテーマソングはウィリアムテル序曲(終曲)ですが、この曲名をそれほど多くの人が知っているとは思えません。むしろローンレンジャーの曲としてよく知られているのではないでしょうか。今でも私はこの曲をきくと、馬にまたがった男が浮かび、疲れてきたなと感じるような時にこの曲を聞けばまたエネルギーがチャージされて進むことができるのです。
funny capiton horse jumping ocean something touched my foot ...


1. Write 3 sentences with the word "hoof it".

Send me your homework on LINE, and I will check it!

*Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!

ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも



#701 - I quit the gym

Let’s get started!

It was a difficult decision, but I finally decided that it was time to quit the gym.  Around the end of March, the news of the corona virus seemed to be getting worse and worse, so I thought it was better to be safe than sorry, so I went to the gym and told them I wanted to take a break. They said I could, but only for 2 months.
I thought this would be a good time to change my routine.  Instead of going to the gym, I have been going to the park to workout.  However, sometimes I wonder if it is safer than the gym.  One day when I went to the park, I met the evil Corona monster! Actually, it was about 50 of them, all running around the park yelling and screaming.  It seems that a kindergarten nearby was bringing all the little rugrats here to play.  Since then, I have changed parks and sometimes go to the beach instead to workout.




1. Write 3 sentences with the word "rugrat".

Send me your homework on LINE, and I will check it!

*Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!
ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも



#700 Cabin Fever

Miami Today
Blog #700
Blog Topic: Cabin Fever

Let’s get started!

I am so tired of staying home every day. I used to enjoy going out to cafes and restaurants, shopping, and going for walks around the city. Now, I just stay home almost everyday. I have “cabin fever”.

What is “cabin fever”? It is an idiom that people use when they are tired of being at home. For example, if you have been sick and haven’t left your house for days, or if you have been working from home everyday, or self-isolating due to the corona virus, you might feel anxious and want to go outside.

No one knows exactly where this idiom comes from, but it may have been used by the early pioneers in America, who spent long winters in their log cabin, unable to go out because of the heavy snow and cold.

Actually, sometimes I go out to visit my classroom and say hi to Mai chan, and to the convenience store to buy chocolate.

How about you? Do you have cabin fever? Do you go out at all?








*Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!

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