
End of Summer Sale

#741 Thank God for Earplugs


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Thank God for….    … を神に感謝!                                             

  2. I couldn’t stand it    can’t stand …. …に我慢できない

  3. Driving me crazy  私の頭をおかしくさせる/ イライラさせる drive :駆り立てる

  The flight across the Atlantic from Chicago to Frankfurt was accompanied by the harmonious crying of 2 noisy babies. Actually, they weren’t babies but maybe 3 year olds?  Whenever one cried, the other would stop crying and it never seemed to stop.  Don’t they ever get tired, or hungry, or sleepy? They were driving me crazy. Eight hours of noise!!!!!  ARRGGGGGHHHHH!  I thought I couldn’t stand it, but then I thought about their parents and felt sorry for them. Oh, yea...I found my earplugs!

What drives you crazy? Leave a comment and let’s talk about it!

シカゴからフランクフルトへの大西洋横断は、二人の赤ん坊の泣き叫ぶやかましい協和音を伴った飛行となりました。実際その二人は赤ん坊ではなく三歳位? でした。必ず一人が泣くと、もう一人のほうは泣くのを止めるのですが、その繰り返しが延々と続くのです。一体、この二人は疲れたり、お腹が空いたり、眠くなるって事がないんだろうか? 頭がおかしくなりそうです。8時間ぶっ通しですよ!!!!          アァァガァァ!!    もう我慢の限界! この二人の親には同情してしまいます。あーっそうだ…耳栓を見つけました!

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

Oh, my ! For eight straight hours? Thank God I’ve never been there . It’s a torture!!! There was no way out on the plane , I’m sorry… 

I’m now in a hospital  waiting for my husband’s name to be called. Every seat is filled with elderly people . Next to this word on  the floor  is obstetrics. There are just a few pregnant mothers and their kids . And these two brats are running  around without masks shouting and screaming… . OMG!!

Old people’s eyes are all fixed to the two brats.But no one says any . Just watching . If it were in the restaurant the kids would be kicked out … or not , I don’t know. 

Yesterday was Respect-for -the- Aged Day. The  news said that the elderly  population is the highest ever , 29.1 percent of the total population . While the birth rate is declining five years in a row.

I have a mixed feeling about that…

Other news I was surprised and sorry about was that 67 post officers including postmen at Isogo Post Office in Yokohama  were infected with the Coronavirus.  Haven’t they got the vaccine yet? I think those  who can’t work remotely should have been prior to getting the vaccination…

I hope the day will come soon . The day we could say TGIF…Thank God It’s Fled away . 




もう一つショックなニュースがありました。横浜市磯子郵便局🏣の配達員を含む職員67名( 9/24現在77名)がコロナに感染。ワクチン未接種だったのでしょうか。リモートで仕事ができない職種の人達のワクチン接種は優先されるべきだったのではと残念に思います。

コロナが退散して、TGIF と喜び合える日が早く来ますように!!

**TGIF  : Thank God It’s Friday 花の金曜日 ——これをもじりまして、It’s Fled away としました。Itは鬼👹demon / Fled はflee 逃げるの過去分詞… 鬼が逃げて良かったねー    ちょっと無理がありますか?


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#740 COVID Scam

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Scam              詐欺

  2. In advance of …より先に

  3. Hard to find  見つけるのが困難

  4. Administer     実施する

  5. Bang on the door ドアをバンバン叩く

  6. Storm off  嵐のように立ち去る

  7. I was cheated out of…だまされて…を取られる

  8. In the nick of time 間一髪で、ギリギリ間に合って

Where are my PCR results????? I yelled at the woman in the trailer in the parking lot of the shopping mall.  I needed to get a PCR test 72 hours in advance of my flight.  It was so hard to find.  Most clinics just give rapid tests, which are different from PCR tests. I found this place on the internet called COVID CLINIC, which guaranteed a 2 day turnaround. I did the test on Monday, now it was Thursday morning, my flight was in two hours, and I still had not gotten the results.  I realized that this place was a scam.  I think they were just taking advantage of people in this COVID situation with a fake testing facility.  Many places that administered Covid tests were like this one.  People drove up in their cars, a nurse would come out and give you the test.  It took about 30 seconds and cost 150 dollars.  The morning of my flight, Charlotte drove me there to get my results, which were supposed to have been emailed to me.  There were 3 or 4 cars ahead of us, but I was very angry, and had no time to spare. I jumped out of the car, ran to the trailer and banged on the door.  A worker yelled at me through the window, “ Get back in your car”.  I yelled back that I wasn’t going anywhere. Finally, someone opened the door. I yelled back and forth with another woman who wouldn’t help me, I gave up and stormed off yelling at the people in the cars waiting that they should go home because this was all just a scam.  I was cheated out of my money, and had to race to find another doctor to help me.  Luckily, I made it to the airport in the nick of time. 


Have you ever been a victim of a scam? Tell me about it in the comment section!

私のPCRの結果はどこだー!!!!  ショッピングモールの駐車場のトレーラーの女性に、私はこう叫んでいました。飛行機に搭乗する72時間前にPCR検査が必要で、検査をしてくれる所を見つけるのはとても大変でした。たいがいのクリニックで行っているのは簡易テストでPCRテストとは異なります。COVID CLINICという名のこの場所 をインターネットで見つけたのですが、ここは検査所要時間を二日間と保証していました。私は月曜日にその検査を受けたのですが、今は木曜の朝で、飛行機は2時間後に出発をひかえています。なのに、検査結果はまだ届いていないのです。私はようやくこれは詐欺だとわかりました。コロナ禍の人々の弱みにつけ込んで偽装テストを行なっている集団だったのです。ここと同じようにドライブスルーでコロナ検査を取り行っているところは他にもたくさんあります。車で乗り入れると、看護師がやってきて検査を行うのです。所要時間は30秒ほどで値段は150ドルです。フライト当日の朝、私の検査結果を受け取るべくシャーロットが車をだしてくれたのですが、この検査結果はEメールで届いているはずのものでした。私たちの前にはまだ3、4台の車がありましたが、私にはもう時間がありません。怒り心頭していたので、車から飛び出してそのトレラーに走って行き、窓をバンバン叩きました。中の従業員がトレーラーの窓から怒鳴っています。「車に戻れ!」私は「ここを動かないぞ」と怒鳴り返しました。ついに一人がドアを開けました。私を相手にしようとしない女性と怒鳴り合いの応酬を繰り返しましたがとうとう私は諦めました。怒ってその場を立ち去り、順番待ちしている他の車に喚きながら知らせました。「みんな家に帰ったほうがいい!ここは詐欺だから!」私はお金を騙し取られた上に、大急ぎで助けてくれる医師を見つけなければなりませんでした。幸い、私はギリギリ飛行場に着く事ができました。


******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******


The word Scam is more casual than the  word,  Fraud . 

Telephone frauds are still going around . They are also called ‘It’s me scam’. Be aware of the scams !!!  I almost fell victim to an online scam (fraud) recently … Oh well … 

詐欺scam は、詐欺fraud よりカジュアルな言い方だそうです。 

電話詐欺もいまだおきています。オレオレ詐欺は文字通りit’s me it’s me scam だそうです。気をつけましょう。私はつい最近、もう少しでインターネット詐欺に引っかかるところでした。やれやれ…

*訂正: #738 key words & phrases

No room :「余裕が無い」に訂正します。


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#739 Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain


Song by: Willie Nelson

In the twilight glow I see

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

When we said goodbye and parted

I knew we'd never meet again

Love is like a dyin' ember

Only memories remain

Through the ages I'll remember

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

Some day when we meet up yonder

We'll stroll hand in hand again

In a land that knows no partin'

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

Blue eyes cryin' in the rain

John Kenneth Brown, Sr.

March 17, 1946 - Aug 20, 2021


#738 I miss MIAMI


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. No room 余裕 余地

The day is coming for me to return to Japan.  It is so peaceful and quiet here, so much nature, the people are so friendly, and it is so comfortable. I miss my students and my friends at Miami and I am looking forward to seeing everyone again.  I am sorry for not being able to bring souvenirs for everyone, but I only brought one suitcase, and I have no more room in it. I hope you can consider this blog as my souvenir for you.  I want to say thank-you again to Yaeko san for translating my blog.  She has been working so hard. I hope you enjoyed it.  Let’s continue at Miami! 

Which blog post did you like the best so far? Leave a comment!






⭐️皆さん, 今までのどのブログを一番気に入っていただけましたか?  是非コメントして教えてください。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******


🎁🎁🎁John’s Florida

Journal #715 〜


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# .miamieikaiwa.jp


#737 A lazy day


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. I didn't think anything of it その事をなんとも思わなかった

  2. Sinuses                             副鼻腔

  3. Killing me                         ひどく痛む

On the plane from Haneda, there was a woman sitting two rows behind me sneezing and sneezing.  I thought to myself that I was surprised that they had let her on the plane.  I didn't think anything else of it until I found that I had gotten a sore throat.  Do masks really work???  I never took off my mask, and washed my hands of course, but still somehow caught a cold.  After I arrived, I spent one whole day out of it because my sinuses were killing me. I stayed home all day and watched old TV shows with my dad. 

Have you gotten a cold recently? Leave your answer in the comment section!




******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

*** lazy ***

In another John’s blog , I learned a word ‘lazy-boy-chair’

Like Kotaysu ? Once you sit there you don’t want to get out of it and don’t want to do anything. I remembered the word ‘Lazy Susan’ 

It’s a turntable or revolving plate for food or seasoning bottles etc. 

The image of ‘lazy’  is a negative and  unwilling attitude . 

I’ve been wondering what Japanese ‘mendokusai’ is said in English. Troublesome ? Unwillingly ? 

I think I can say , ‘ I’m too lazy to take a shower.’

How about this?

I spent a lazy afternoon reading a book.


Ah, another lazy  day 今日も暇だなー

lazy white clouds  ゆっくりと流れる白い雲

lazy river ゆっくりと流れる川

Wow ! Lazy has a lot of other nuances! 

Then how about this one … I spent a lazy summer afternoon watching lazy white clouds in a lazy boy chair 

Is it Quicksand or  the New Smoking, Ms.Ritzy ?  (#732)

Thank you Mr. Google !!! 


Lazy といえば、最近のブログにlazy boy chair( #732)がありましたね。


ところで、Lazy Susan ってご存知ですか?昔一時、日本の家庭でも見かけた

調味料なんかがのったあれです、くるくる回る台。中華料理店の廻るテーブルもlazy Susan と呼ぶそうです。(ほんとかな?)


こう言えばいいんです、ね。I’m too lazy to … 


lazy は又、slow movement ゆっくりとした動きも表せます。


I spent a lazy summer afternoon watching lazy white clouds in a lazy-boy-chair …



今日もMr.Google に感謝


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#736 American Ninja Training

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. A mood change        気分の変化                       for a mood change   気分を変えるために

  2. Weapon of choice   好んで使われる武器

  3. Took me out            私を外に連れ出した

  4. make sure to…      忘れずに(必ず)する                  

For a mood change, Charlotte and her husband took me out. She had a friend of hers look after Dad, and we went to a local bar.  The interesting thing was that instead of throwing darts, we threw knives and axes.  REAL knives and axes.  It was crazy!  Is this safe? After you throw your weapon of choice, you have to make sure to pull the ones out of the board BEFORE you pick up the ones on the ground.  If one falls on your head….

I don’t know if I want to be around many crazy drunk people throwing axes and knives.  But, at this time in the afternoon, we were the only ones at the bar practicing our ninja skills. It was so much fun! The next time you visit the U.S., please try it!

If you visited Florida, would you like to try this? Leave your answer in the comment section!

気分転換に、シャーロットと彼女のご主人は私を外に連れ出してくれました。シャーロットには彼女の代わりに父の面倒を見てくれる友達がいたので、私たちは地元のバーにくりだしました。そこで興味深かったのは、ダーツの代わりにナイフや斧投げをする事でした。本物のナイフや斧ですよ。Crazy としか言いようがありません!危なくないんだろうか? ( 注意しなければいけない点は) 好きな武器を投げ終えたら、必ず先に板に刺さった斧やナイフを引き抜かなくてはいけません。床に落ちたナイフや斧を拾い集める前にです。斧やナイフが頭に落ちてきたら大変なことになりますから。


皆さんがフロリダに来る事があったら試してみたいと思いますか? コメント欄に回答を書いて下さい。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

*** 🗡🪓 v.s. 🥷 ***

Instead of darts ,  knives ?  ok…  I can imagine, as long as there is no woman on the board… it’s ok. 

But Axes?!!!!!!     Nameless Crazy play ! 

Do southerners live in the Robin Hood era?

If they call it Ninja practice ,  they would get a fierce Shuriken attack from Ninja freaks ! 

ダーツ🎯の代わりに、ナイフですか? まぁいいでしょう、想像できます、ターゲットの板の上に美女がいなければですが。あのナイフ投げですよね。ですが、斧🪓でダーツプレイ?      なんともはや言いようのない狂気の沙汰!  まるでロビンフッドの世界!   忍者修行なんて言ったら忍者ファンから手裏剣の猛攻撃を受けますよ〜




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#735 The COVID situation here


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. A big push for……に対して強力に推し進めること

  2. Political             政治的

  3. “There is no `I` in Team”                team という言葉にはI (私)という文字はない。             個人プレーではなく、チームへの貢献、利益、ニーズに焦点を当てて行動せよ

A lot of people support, and there seems to be a big push for the vaccine.  I wonder why people don't feel the  same about masks.

There seems to be a lot of confusion, and I blame it on the leaders. Some government officials say you don’t need a mask if you have gotten the vaccine, and others say you do.  To wear a mask or not to; to get the vaccine or not, have become political. I hate it. In Japan, as you know, nearly every store and restaurant has signs about COVID, and it is on the top of everyone’s mind. But it isn’t like that here.  I didn’t see so many signs about it,  people don’t do social distancing, nor wear masks ‘(a few do).  I wish American people could have more of a spirit of team effort like Japanese people do. 


******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!******

****  There is no I in team****

I wonder if we Japanese people  act  in the spirit of a team in this pandemic.  Apparently wearing masks , avoiding closed areas , washing hands etc have  come here to stay to some extent . In a way,  we get used to the new normal. And maybe it was brought on by team spirit efforts. But we have seen a lot of contradictions and nonsense as well. 

At some point,  the word , Mask police .. was even  born. People are watching over each other . People pay attention to the masks first  instead of cheerful greetings . 

As for the vaccination,   I was one of them not to jump on the bandwagon to get the vaccine . Then I felt awkward to hear some saying that she was taking  a vaccine for society, not only for herself. A doctor said it is kind of a duty as a nation to get a vaccine .They call it,‘obligation with effort’.  To me, it sounded  like the trend that drove Japan into the previous war. To me,  that is more scary than the Corona virus itself. On that point I felt I  could understand the people who object to being forced to wear masks or vaccines in Florida or elsewhere. 

By the way, I saw an odd scene the other day out of the window in the car. There was an electronic bulletin board held up on the street . It said ‘Refrain from going out unnecessarily’. And above the sign, many ropeways were running ! New ropeway in Sakuragicho. I asked my husband what kind of  people NEED a 5 minutes ride on it ?”He just answered. “ commuters  in an emergency” hahaha…  I felt the scene was odd.  

Anyway there seems to be no choice but to wear masks and get vaccinations against the Delta strain  at present. But until the Corona puts down I’d like to keep a good spirit to respect others and maintain our humanity.  

That’s really 2 cents worth of  my 2 cents.  Sorry .. 

****チームに私という文字は無い ****


ワクチンに関して言えば、私自身はワクチン予約に敢えて乗り遅れた一人でしたが、その事で気詰まりな思いをしました。ある人はワクチン接種は自分のためだけでなく、社会の為に受けるんだと公言していました。相談した医師は, ワクチン接種は国民としての一種の義務だからと言いました。そう言えば「努力義務」とも謳われていましたね。







( 文字通り2セント価値のmy 2 cents でした、すみません💦


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