
#732 I could live here BUT….

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Lazy-boy chair  1人がけ安楽椅子/ リクライニングチェア

  2. Quicksand   流砂 (比喩的に)蟻地獄

  3. sink             沈む

I would be fat.  Life can be so comfortable here. Huge sofa, Lazy-boy chairs, huge TV,  so much food, so much yummy junk food, and hundreds of TV channels. I think American people don’t realize how lucky they are.  I visited my cousin April the other day, and her house is like a castle because it is so big.  It would be easy to quarantine during COVID because the houses are so comfortable and huge! There is a proverb that says, “Comfort is quicksand”.  Right now I am sinking into the couch. Ahhhhhhh……..

太っちゃうだろうなぁ。ここでの生活はあまりに快適なんです。おーーきなソファーにリクライニングチェア、大画面のTV、たっぷりの食べ物においしいジャンクフード、それに何百もあるテレビチャンネル。アメリカ人は自分たちがどんなに恵まれているかわかってないんじゃないかな。いつだか4月のある日、いとこの家を訪ねたことがあります。彼女の家はまるでお城のように広いのです。コロナで自宅隔離になっても、これだけ広ければ快適に過ごせると思いました。こんな諺があります。”快適さは流砂” 今私は快適カウチに沈み込んでいます。アーァァァ

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

Thanks to the internet we can easily get the information we need . But at the same time we are annoyed by the endless advertisements or unpleasant pictures on the way . This time ,one scary picture stuck in my mind and I just couldn’t  get rid of it , even now. The picture came into sight when I googled ‘quicksand.’ That was a picture of a hand sticking out of quicksand ! Oh, no. But the picture explained ‘quicksand' better than any  other words . Too much though.     Yes,  Mr.John was sinking into the quicksand named couch. 

インターネットのおかげで簡単に欲しい情報が手に入るようになりましたが、同時にエンドレスな広告や見たくない写真や映像に悩まされます。今回、quicksand を検索中に、なんとも怖い写真が一枚、目に焼き付いてしまい、払拭できないでいます。砂から人の手だけがでている絵です。この絵でquicksand が瞬時に理解できましたが、too much でした。

他にもsand やcastle で思い浮かぶ日本の諺がありましたね。

I came up with another saying. 

 A castle  in the air/ house built on sand 砂上の楼閣

Castle of sand      砂の器

And I found a site written by Micheal Barata , it says: 

Comfort denies new experience ,

Comfort ignores creativity ,

Comfort stunts growth,

Comfort delays learning… 

Comfort に溺れてると、ダメだよーという教訓ですね。



There also was a good lesson about the proverb .. by Michel Barata 


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#731 The Butterfly Part 2


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Sip on one’s drink 飲み物をすする/ チビチビ飲む

  2. Lo and behold 驚いた事に

  3. Shake it off.       それを振り払う

Charlotte tried and tried to fix the butterfly’s wings, but it didn’t seem to work.  Regretfully, she took it, and put it in the grass about two meters from us.  Dad continued to sip on his beer, and me on my ginger ale, when I felt something crawling up my leg.  Lo and behold, it was the butterfly!  I shook it off though, because we decided it was time to go.  We pushed dad’s wheelchair out to the car, and I saw it again on the back of the wheelchair! I brushed it away again.  As we were driving down the road, in there was something in Charlotte’s hair.  Guess what?  It was the butterfly! Finally, when we arrived home, the butterfly flew away.

シャーロ ットは何度も蝶の羽を直そうとしましたがうまくいかないようでした。残念そうに蝶を手にとると、2メートルほど離れた草の上に置きました。父はビールをちびちびと飲んでいます、私はジンジャエールを….、とその時私は何かが足を這い上がってくるのを感じました。なんとビックリ!あの蝶です!私は振り払いました、そろそろ時間で、私達は帰ることにしたからです。わたしたちは父の車椅子を車の置いてある方に押してゆきました。ところが、車椅子の後部にまたもやあの蝶がいます!私はもう一度払い除けました。帰り道を運転していると、何かがシャーロットの髪についています。なんだかわかりますか?なんと、あの蝶です!私達が家に着いて、ようやくその蝶は飛んで行きました。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

This is written by Yaeko:

Yellow butterfly                    

A yellow butterfly came to my friend’s

to say thank you and farewell 

A yellow butterfly came to my cousin’s 

to say thank you and good bye 

It was when JJ was gone 

I called her again and again 

She never came back even in my dream. 

A yellow butterfly …one day  she came 

She flies around  in the garden 

She watches me working all along 

Yes I have her back,  she is here. 

She is flying , flying around me. 

She is following me , following me with the wings flapping 

I call her name again. 

I call her to tell her 

‘It’s getting dark, JJ , let’s go home’ 

She listens to me 

She flies me to the door and she flies away

See you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, JJ. 


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#730 The Butterfly Part 1


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. No one….but us 私達以外誰も…ない

  2. Out back.          (建物などの)裏手

  3. Scotch tape セロハンテープ

Charlotte is very good at taking care of things, people, animals, and even sometimes butterflies. One day, we took my father to his favorite bar for a beer.  Since it was about 1pm, no one else was in the bar but us.  Behind the bar was a nice area outside, so we pushed his wheelchair out back. I happen to notice a beautiful yellow butterfly on the ground next to my dad’s wheelchair. One of its wings was torn, and so it could not fly. Charlotte picked it up and got some scotch tape, and tried to fix it up so that it could fly again...TO BE CONTINUED…

シャーロットは物の手当てや、人、動物の世話がとても上手です。時には蝶のようなものまで。ある日私達は父をバーに連れて行きました。そこはビールを飲むのに父のお気に入りのバーです。午後1時近かったのでお店には私たちのほかには誰もいません。バーの裏の敷地は気持ち良さそうです。私たちは車椅子を押してバーの裏手に回りました。そこで、たまたまきれいな黄色い蝶々が父の車椅子のすぐ横の地面にいるのに気づきました。羽の一枚が破れていて飛べないでいるのです。シャーロットはその蝶を拾い上げ、とってきたセロハンテープでなんとか飛べるように直してあげようと試みました。  つづく

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>


It’s been a long time since I enjoyed drinking outside in a restaurant. On such a hot day there is nothing like cold beer . I could use a mug of beer with friends…  🍻



*Scotch tape 

Just before the rose buds open, if the stem of the rose breaks accidentally , scotch tape will do well. 

Lately I found masking tape is also good to use. Because it’s easy to tear and peel off. Besides, they have joyful colors.




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#729 A Proud Moment Part 2

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Shift      ポジションを移行する

  2. Tremble 震える

  3. serenity 静けさ

I pushed the wheelchair as far as I could.  I thought this might be a good chance for my dad to get a little exercise by trying to walk to the bench. I lifted him out of his wheelchair.  His legs were trembling, so I held on to him.  I shifted his weight from his left to his right. After about 5 steps, he stopped to rest. “Don’t worry, Dad...I got you.”  We tried again...5 more steps. We made it to the bench!  The sun was going down and shining through the trees.  The stream was filled with so many turtles!  A quiet serenity filled the air. We talked. We listened. We talked some more. Then we decided it was time to go.  This time, after about 3 steps, he stopped and said, “Oh, no.”  

We both knew that he couldn’t make it to the wheelchair.  I looked at him. I looked at the wheelchair, and then I just picked him up and carried him over to it. An image flashed through my mind of when I was a child, and looking up to my strong father.  An image of him carrying me.  After I put him in the wheelchair, he seemed shocked, gave a little smile, and said, “You did good, son”. A tear ran down my face and I smiled back at him.


  沈みかけようとしている陽の光が木々の間を照らしています。川のいたるところに亀が見えます。あたりは穏やかな静けさに包まれていました。私達は話をし、聞き、そしてまたすこし話をしました…                                 そろそろ時間です。私達は戻ることにしました。しかし今回は3歩いったところで父は止まってしまい、言いました。「oh, no」. 車椅子まで歩くのはとても無理だろうと私達二人にはわかりました。私は父を見ました。そして車椅子を見ました。私は父を持ち上げ、そのまま車椅子まで抱え運びました。ある光景が脳裏を横切りました。それはたくましい父を見上げている子どもの時の私です。私を持ち抱えている父の光景です。 私が父を車椅子に座らせると、父はややショックを受けた様子でしたが、少し微笑んで言いました。「よくやった 」涙が頬をつたいました。私は父に微笑み返しました。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

I have many pictures in my mind cut out from some scene I experienced . Sometimes the picture is an image from a book I read or from a story I heard . And those pictures flashed back are rather quiet and still and don’t have such strong emotions . But they are so clear and vivid as if I could touch them.  

The stream, the bench , the sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees ..this scenery might be one of the pictures in my mind as well.

The depicted scenery built up with simple words ,however,deliver some tangible atmosphere as if I was there .

The last words of your dad to you  must be engraved on your mind for good. 

I hope it all goes well for your father.





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#728 A Proud Moment Part 1

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Steep      急勾配の

  2. Stream.   小川

I take my father out for a stroll around the neighborhood whenever it isn’t too hot or raining. This day, I decided to try a different road.  It had a steep hill.  I just hoped my dad’s wheelchair wouldn’t slip out of my hands as we went down the hill. He was drinking a beer. If he crashed, would that be considered drinking and driving? We gave it a shot and managed to get safely down the hill. Then I found a small stream that went under a small bridge in the road.  A nice grassy area and trees surrounded the area.  There was a small bench in front of the stream, and I wanted to sit there with my dad, but could I get the wheelchair through the grass and sand to the bench?  TO BE CONTINUED…..



******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

Yeah, I understand very well how hard it is to handle the wheelchair on a slope. When you push the wheelchair upward on the slope you need pretty much strength even if the road doesn’t look so steep. you can’t stop on the slope as well. When downward you have to hold the wheelchair with unbelievable strength, controlling the speed with break. I told myself ‘No pain , no gain , no gain no pain 😮‍💨what could I gain ? ……Just muscle on the arm…. I guess .  


坂道での車いすの扱いがいかに大変かよくわかります。上りの時は車椅子を押し上げるのにかなりの力が要ります。傾斜が緩く見えても大変です。途中で止まるわけにもいきません。下る時は車いすの人の体重で速度が加速しますからそれをハンドブレーキを使いながらコントロールするのにもありったけの力でひっぱられないようにしないといけません。ノーペインノーゲイン、no pain no gain でも何を gain (得る)できるかって?   腕の筋肉くらいかな〜


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#727 ANT - Part 2

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Pitiful   哀れな/かわいそうな

  2. Extensive  広い/広範囲にわたる

  3. or else      さもないと

  4. howl          遠吠え

The tiny animal that Charlotte found seemed to be a cat. When she first showed it to me, I wasn’t sure if it was really a cat because it looked too pitiful. But, after an extensive search on Google, she showed me that it was a breed of WEREWOLF cat.  Actually, the breed is called “Lyoki” and means “wolf” in Greek. Whenever there is a full moon, Charlotte has to lock the cat in a cage or else it will attack everyone in the house and try to eat them while they are sleeping before running outside to howl at the moon with blood dripping from its teeth and claws…..just kidding...Ant is a nice cat….I think.


シャーロットの見つけたその小さな生き物は猫のようではありましたが、最初に彼女が私にそれを見せてくれた時ははたしてそれが本当に猫なのか確信できませんでした。あまりにも哀れで情けない姿をしていたからです。更にGoogleでいろいろ調べていくうちに、彼女が見せたものはウェアウルフ(狼おとこ) キャットの一種で、実際、ギリシャ語で狼を意味する、リュコイ(ライコイ)と呼ばれる種でした。満月の夜は必ずシャーロットはそのウェアウルフをケージに入れて鍵をしなくてはいけません。さもないと、その家の人間に飛びかかり、寝ている間に一人残らず食べてしまおうとするんです、外に走りでて月に向かって遠吠えをする前に。歯の間から血を滴らせながら…. なーんてね、冗談です。アントは優しい猫….. だとおもいます。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

I will say Charlotte is so brave and sweet . The Lyoki (Ant) was really lucky to be found and rescued. 

But the would-be CATMAN … I would say he is LUNATIC. 

cf.  #714

シャーロットさんはほんとに勇気があって優しい! 救出された猫ちゃんもいのち拾いしましたね。でもあの自称キャットマン氏は何ていうか、いささかLunatic 

*CATMAN    ブログ714参照




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Thank-you for reading my blog.  I will continue posting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week. 

私のブログを読んでくださってありがとうございます。 毎週、月曜、金曜にブログ投稿を続けていきます。

Also, thank you for your comments. When you leave a comment, it will not show up right away.  The reason is because I get a lot of  “spam” comments.  After I review your comment, I will post it to my blog. 


I will start a new Blog Comments Campaign. Here are the rules: 

新たに ‘ブログコメントキャンペーン’ をスタートしたいと思います。以下が説明とやり方です。

  1. On a blog entry that ends in “0”, such as 720, the 5th person who leaves a comment on that blog post will receive a free class lesson. 

  2. The same person cannot post more than once on the same blog post. So, if you post 5 comments, only your first comment will count. 

  3. Only the 5th comment is the winner. If there are only 3 or 4 comments, then no one will receive a free lesson. 

  4. Of course, you must attach your name to the comment so that I know who to give the free lesson to.  If you don’t want to reveal your first and last name, you can just write your class number and nickname. Example - “N class Yaeko.”

I look forward to sharing my blog with you!


  1. ブログナンバー末尾が0で終わるブログに、5番目に投稿した方は無料レッスン券一回分を受け取る事ができます。例えばブログ#720、#780…            

  2. 同一のブログへの投稿は一人一回分だけカウントされます。従って同じ人が同じブログに5回投稿しても、一回の投稿とみなします。

  3. 5人めの投稿者だけが勝者となります。もし3人あるいは4人の投稿しかなかった場合はwinner はなしと言うことになります。

  4. もちろん名前も明記してください。もし自分の姓や名を書きたくない場合はクラス名とニックネームでもok です。例えばNクラス花子のように。皆さんとブログでご一緒できるのを楽しみにしています。よろしくおねがいします。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!


ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも






#726 ANT - Part 1

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Barefoot     裸足

  2. Ant hill  蟻塚

  3. Fire ant      ヒアリ

  4. Ants in your pants  興奮、欲求などでソワソワして落ち着かない

When I was a child, I hated staying indoors. I had ants in my pants, and I couldn’t sit still. When I could go outside,  I often ran around barefoot, as did many other children. The soft grass felt good beneath my feet.  Occasionally, I stepped in an ant hill and got bitten by ants. The black ants were not so bad, but the giant red fire ants were scary. I have seen ant hills that were so big, almost up to your knee.  If you stepped in one of those, you would probably have to go to the hospital. 

A few days before I arrived in Pensacola, Charlotte had found a tiny animal floating along the side of the road during a rainstorm that was covered with fire ants. 



私がペンサコーラに到着する2 、3日ほど前、シャーロットは豪雨の中、小さな生き物が通りの横に浮いているのを見たそうです。そして、その小さな動物はヒアリに覆い尽くされていたそうです。


******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

So far it seems No ants 🐜in mine, (thank god! ) I’m gonna take a nap a little … 




Oh my god, oh, my god …. 

I made a huge mistake !!!!!

# 725 : yaeko’s corner 

I introduced the verse   John in Bible 

This John is ヨハネの福音書です





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