
September 18, 2018 Velcro

Miami 英会話



9月 23日、24日は休みです。
Please study English at your home on those days.

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Image result for cool 80's velcro shoes


The lady sitting across from me on the train is wearing something I haven't seen in a long time; velcro shoes.  I remember the first time I saw velcro shoes.  I was in elementary school. It was probably September, as I was shopping for school clothes with my family.  When I saw them in the shoe store, I begged my mom to buy them for me. My teacher often scolded me because I made noise during class fastening and unfastening them over and over again. I thought they were the coolest thing since sliced bread. Now, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them. lol!

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6 件のコメント:

  1. If I say I would (without not) be caught dead missing you,does it make sense?, like I am dying to break up with you.I wonder if you understand what i want to know .

    1. Good morning! I am not quite sure what you want to say, but since it is an idiom, you can't change it. The basic phrase is..."I would not be caught dead...." It means "I would never....". Some common examples:
      1. I would not be caught dead wearing that dress.
      2. I would not be caught dead with him.
      3. I would not be caught dead drinking beer with Trump.
      4. I would not be caught dead supporting Trump.
      5. I would not be caught dead with a Trump cap on.

      Have a wonderful day!

    2. Sorry to bother you again .This is my first time to come cross to this idiom. My mind was cleared up thank to your explanaion.After all,I have made lots of useless efforts bredking down each words.
      But I want to know the reason why this idiom means like I am dying to hate your Mr president.
      Where does it come from? I wonder.Idiom is idiom ,that is all?

  2. 何があっても...しないがwouldn’t に込められていて(仮定法の帰結文のwould) 、be caught は見つかる➡︎みられる, どんなことがあっても見られたくない. dead は強調
    まっぴらごめん かなーと推察しました。

    Wouldn’t be caught dead でgoogl しました。

    1. ご丁寧な説明ありがとうございます。ただ、日本語的にはやはり限界を覚えます。イデオムに理屈を求めることがそもそもおかしいのかなと。丸暗記でいいのでしょうね。Anyway,you are something ,amazing again!!

  3. I agree with you on just memorizing idiomstic phrases. It seems that one of the secrets to be a good english speaker is that how much those idioms and chunks we learn and USE in real conversation . Actually In Mr.John’s blog I find many interesting expressions which are totally new to me. And in his class , Miami , I make the best of the opportunities to speak out .
    Anyway, thank you for letting us share of your questions about English. It’s very helpful to me too. I’m not something yet but wanna- be ... IoI
    But if you kindly say so it comes from Miami.
    Lucky me !
