
3/26 #655 FASTING


New words & phrases:
a period of time
skip lunch


Have you ever tried fasting?  "Fast" when used as a verb means not eating for a period of time.  Maybe you know the word "breakfast". It comes from this meaning. When you sleep, you don't eat; you FAST.  When you wake up, you eat and you break the fast----> BREAKFAST.  Sometimes I fast until 5pm.  That means after dinner, I don't eat anything until 5pm the next day. Or, sometimes I eat a small breakfast and then skip lunch.  Teaching English is not a very physical job. I don't use my body very much when I teach, so I feel I don't need so much energy.  Today I am skipping lunch. Have you tried fasting?

By the way, my seminar is coming soon!  If you want to learn how to study English, please come!

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