
3/4 #650 L - Locker

(Sorry, the date is incorrect in the audio)

New words & phrases:

Middle school       中学校

Incredible(adj)      信じられない

Messy (adj)           散らかった

Combination (n)    組み合わせ
Combination lock  ダイヤル錠•文字組合わせ錠

Slit (n)                  細長い切り口•スリット

Slip into               スルリと入れる

anonymous (adj)  匿名の

Thank-you Yaeko san for your translation!


Schools in the U.S. have lockers for the students to keep their books in. I remember my first locker. It was in middle school. It was more like a trash can for my unfinished homework and textbooks, ha ha. It was so incredibly messy. It had a combination lock, and I still remember the combination! I hated taking my books home, so I did my best to finish my homework in school. I didn’t even have a bag.

The good thing about the locker was that it had 3 slits in the front of it. One time I wrote an anonymous love letter to a girl I liked and slipped it into her locker between classes. Her name was Jennifer. I never told her that I wrote the note. What did I write? It was such a long time ago. It makes me laugh when I think about it.


4 件のコメント:

  1. Hellooo〜‼︎grape-san😊

    Wow, How sweet 💖
    You have a good memory✨
    It was love at first sight☺️ ?

    A man falls in love through his eyes👀💘✨, a woman through her ears👂🏻💘✨

    fall in love at first sight ✨→ have a crush 💖= be in love💘

    and then …true love❤️✨✨✨😍✨✨🎊✨✨

    【Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile】 (Franklin P. James)

    What do you think about it🙂?

    1. That reminds of a song I used to play when I first learned the piano...

    2. It's amazing that you can play the piano

      Waltz‼︎This song has got a good rhythm.

      Shall we?

    3. BINGO. Yes, it is a waltz. You have a good ear for a banana.
