
#749 Quarantine

 I was not looking forward to the next two weeks.  I don’t understand why when I actually had corona, I only had to stay home for 10 days.  This time I was told I had to stay home for 14 days. The good news is that since my father’s house was in Alabama, I could come straight home.  If I had stayed in Florida, I would have had to pay to stay at a hotel for 3 days in Tokyo before coming back home. Florida is the worst state for Corona in the U.S. 

     Luka my cat had gotten bigger. Before, she looked like a little child, but now she seemed like a teenager. At first, it seemed like she had forgotten me. She ran away from me and just peeked at me from around corners. But then she came to me and took a sniff and seemed to remember my smell. We were friends again.


#748 Back in Japan


Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Tracking app  追跡アプリ

  2. Roll down the window 窓を開ける

  3. Turn up the music 音量をあげる

  4. Step on the gas アクセルを踏む

Now that I was free and clear of customs, the next question was, how do I get home? I was not allowed to take a train. At the airport, the staff made sure I installed tracking apps on my phone, so they could check my location at any time.  I could take a special taxi that would have cost more than 50000 yen. Instead,I decided to rent a car. Even though I was tired from my long flight, I enjoyed the drive home. The weather was beautiful and so I rolled down the window, turned up the music and stepped on the gas.  The car rental shop was about 4 or 5 kilometers from my house. First I drove home and dropped off my luggage. Then I dropped off the car. Finally I had a long walk home. It took about one hour, but I was happy to be home! 


フロリダ渡航記もそろそろ終盤、コロナ禍で長い自粛生活を送っていた私達にとってジョン氏のアメリカ滞在記は新鮮で感動したりハラハラしたりと、多いに楽しませてもらいました。まさにAmerican culture のたくさん詰まったお話でしたね。

さてMiami 英会話のカリキュラムも刷新されました。マイアミ生徒の英語力を効果的に更にアップさせようというジョン先生の意欲を感じる内容だと思いました。まずは受講してみて、意見、疑問、不安、不足を率直に尋ねられたら良いと思います。私も先日 、現地参加し、久しぶりにクラスで皆さんにお会いできてとても嬉しかったです。

同時に皆さんも緊急事態宣言解除以降, 活動が活発になった事とおもいます。私自身もだいぶ忙しくなりました。

楽しくブログ翻訳をさせていただいてきたのですが、上手い日本語を考える時間と余裕がなくなりそうです。雑な翻訳になる前にretire することをジョン氏に伝えました。応援してくださったマイアミの皆さんありがとうございました。Especially , Akiko san , thank you for responding to my 2cents . 私宛にコメントくださった方にお返事できずごめんなさい。しばらくは翻訳が付くかと思いますが、poor な日本語訳なしでジョン先生のブログをぜひ堪能して下さい。classの授業 同様、大変英語の勉強になります。また時間の余裕ができたら時々お手伝いさせていただきたいと思います。

Thank you all ,and see you again!!

Good Luck ! 



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#747 Test Result

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. All in all -大体に於いて/大概 

  2. Carousel   回転式コンベア/ 回転木馬

  3.  To be clear of something

  4. maze       迷路

All in all, the whole route was about 5000 steps. The last station was a waiting room to receive my test result, and luckily it came back negative! They gave me a certificate, and I continued on to passport control.  I picked up my luggage at the carousel, and I was surprised to find an ANA lady waiting for me to help me find my luggage.  ANA is great!  The last stop was customs, and I was free and clear!  I made it!  I felt like a mouse that made it through a maze without getting eaten by a cat! 

まぁ、大体そのルートは5000歩といったところです。最後のチェックポイントは検査結果受取の待合室になっていて、幸い私の結果は陰性でした! 証明書を渡さ、れ、入国審査の方にさらに進みます。回転式コンベアーで自分の荷物を取りましたが、驚いたことにANAの女性が私の荷物を探す手伝いをするために待っていてくれました。ANAは最高です!最後は税関です。 何の問題もなくクリアしました。やりました!!


******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

Yaeko's .25 cents:

Congratulations,Jerry 🐭!

Dodging Tom 😾, you finally found a way out of the Maze !!

You deserve big cheese🧀!   Bon appetit!


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#746 The Maze Pt. 2


Key Words & Phrases:

  1. As a matter of fact  実際

  2. Saliva      唾液

  3. Nasal      鼻の

  4. Swab      綿棒

  5. Grab                      掴む、ひったくる

    cf. grab lunch さっと昼食をとる

Now came the big test...another PCR test as a matter of fact.   Why did I have to take a PCR test before I got on the plane, and then another one here? Oh, well.  At least this one was a saliva test and not a nasal swab test. This will have been my 5th PCR test this year!  There was nothing like this when I arrived in the U.S.  I just got off the plane, grabbed my luggage and went! After submitting my saliva, I continued along the route and at last found...a bathroom!


なぜ搭乗前に受けてまたここでも受けなければならないのだろう?やれやれ。でもまぁ、ここのは唾液による検査で鼻に綿棒を刺す検査ではないし。 これで、今年5回目のPCR テストになります。アメリカ到着時と全く様子が異なります。(アメリカでは)ただ飛行機から降りて、荷物をさっと取っていくだけでした!                                    唾液を提出し後、またルートに沿って進み、そしてやっと最後にトイレを見つけました!

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******


It was a long way to find a bathroom! Otsukaresama

These few days I felt like I was in MAZE,too . Because  I had  left my cell phone in a taxi.  TripleOMG!!!!

 My iPhone was moving around the city in the taxi. SoftBank was searching for it by GPS. It was like ‘catch and run’ : Police officers, taxi companies, SoftBank operators, Station employees … I really appreciated their kind support for finding my phone. It won’t ever happen again!!! 



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#745 The Maze Pt. 1


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  • Pee             おしっこ

  • Not allowed 許されていない

  • Check a document 書類を確認する

  • So far, so good      今のところ順調

  • Apps     Application software アプリ

  • My paperwork was in order 私の書類は適切だった(ちゃんと書かれていた)

I am lucky that I peed before I got off the plane.  Immediately after we stepped  off there were two routes  which to choose from, one was for Olympics staff and athletes, and the other was for me. I was impressed when I saw a couple of Athletes walk by me.  The route that I went was a long one.  It went around the terminal, down a long terminal to the next terminal, around that terminal, and back again. The bathrooms were closed and we were not allowed to enter.   Stations  were set up along the way. At each station, someone checked a document required for entry. At one station, I had to sit with a member of the staff and install tracking apps on my phone. So far, so good I thought. All my paperwork seemed to be in order, but...when can I use the bathroom????


******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!******


英語には日本語のonomatopoeia オノマトペ(擬音語、擬声語)のかわりに単語そのものにその様態を表す音が含まれていて、またその単語が動詞活用もします。

pee pee やpoo pooの発音からもイメージが可愛らしく変化して伝わりませんか?辞書には幼児語とありますが、カジュアルに大人も使うようです。しかしはたして私がこのblogでI am lucky that I peed before …. と言えるかなー?

映画プリティーウーマンで売春婦役のジュリアロバーツがopera house でエスコート役のリチャードギアにオペラの感想を尋ねられてI almost peed in my pants. と答え、慌てたリチャードを思い出します。


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#744 Touchdown, Haneda!

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:
Touchdown   着陸
Low enough that… ….できる程低く
Anxious        心配
Be left to a fate of…されるままに/ 運任せにされる/ まな板の上の鯉

I looked out of the airplane window and was surprised to see my house!  Really!  The plane was flying over Miura Peninsula, and was low enough that I could make out the Kurihama Ferry!  The weather was nice, with the airplane casting its shadow onto a cloud here and there.  I grew a bit anxious.  Would my PCR paperwork be ok?  Would the staff at the airport give me the big X with their arms and send me back to the U.S.????  Would  I be left to a fate of eating junk food, watching old TV shows and getting fat? The answer would come soon…..

飛行機の窓から私の家が見えたのには驚きました!本当です!機体は三浦半島の上空を三浦フェリーが目視できるほど低空飛行しています。天気は良く、飛行機は雲のあちこちにその影をおとしています。少し心配になってきました。私のPC R検査の証明書類は大丈夫だろうか? ダメ〜🙅‍♂️とアメリカに戻されてしまうんだろうか、そしてまたジャンクフードを食べ、昔のテレビドラマをダラダラと見て太るに任せて

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*****
**A Carp on a cutting board**

今回の課題はwould I be left to fate of ..?
でした。いくら調べてもさっぱり意味が掴めず、fate が「運命」なので、leave … to fate で「…を運に任せる」かなとも思いましたが、納得できる例文はみあたりません。be  left to one’s fate で「まな板の上の鯉のようなものだ」とweblio さんは説明しています。??? いきなり鯉はないでしょうと頭を悩ませましたが、どうやら、成り行きまかせにして、アクションを起こさない、受け身で、起こせない状態のようです。アメリカに強制送還されたらジョン氏はポテチを食べ過ぎてまるまる太ったまな板の上の鯛になってしまうというお話でした。今回はquicksand ではなく、cutting board ということになりますか?
leave something to fate/ chance 
.. not try to influence how something happens / to not act or to not do something

This time, I was at loss around the phrase
‘ leave … to fate’ . There was no good example sentence in the dictionary . 
It just said まな板の上の鯉( a carp on a cutting board) for the phrase . It took me time to understand the idea of it  in the sentence of this blog. 
Maybe the image that a  fat carp(Mr.John) on the cutting board  helps you to understand the meaning of this phrase’ leave to fate’. The carp kept just eating junk food and watching tv and got fat on the cutting board … Iol
Mr.John was afraid of becoming a fat carp if he was deported to the States.  

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#743 The Miracle of Flight


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. The whole idea of…本来の趣旨/その考えそのもの

  2. ...is nothing short of…全く… にほかならない/ ほとんど(奇跡) だ

  3. On top of that….その上、そこにもってきて

Some might call me simple minded, but I find the whole idea of flying in an airplane nothing short of a miracle.  Think about it. You are literally sitting in a chair that is above the clouds and moving faster than anything on Earth.  On top of that, you can eat a meal, drink champagne, and be entertained with movies...all while sitting in a chair above the clouds! Every time I fly, I find it amazing!

⭐️What simple, ordinary, everyday things impress you? Leave a comment and tell me about it!


⭐️毎日の単純な普通の生活のなかに何かあらためて感心したりする物や事がありますか? 是非、コメントして教えてください。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san  for your 


Come to think of it , it’s really amazing to sit on the chair( in the plane)  on the clouds ! I’ve never thought that way .

Being in an airplane is just a painful thing to me.  If possible I didn’t want to do it. So when I heard ‘Have a nice flight !’ It sounded a little strange to me.( Do we say it  in Japanese? ) 

However, after going through this pandemic , if I have a chance to fly ,I will appreciate it more  and enjoy being on the clouds. 


飛行機に乗るのは私には苦痛でしかありませんでした。できるもなら利用したくない乗り物です。なので、旅立つ前に’Enjoy the flight ‘なんて言われても、どうもしっくりきませんでした。(enjoy できる人なんているのかな)




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#742 ANA Service


These are the nice ANA employees who bowed at the plane. Amazing!

I love ANA!

I could see my house from the plane!  Should I jump out here?

Maborikaigan and Monkey Island

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Representative  代表•代理•担当者

  2. Paperwork 手続きに必要な文書

  3. incredible   信じられない

Why are Americans so friendly, but so bad at customer service? 

I just arrived in Germany, and I was surprised to find an ANA representative holding a sign that read “ANA TOKYO”.  He looked at me and said, “Mr. Matsushima?” He came to show me the way to my connecting flight and remind me to be early to verify my paperwork.  I thought, “What nice service! This, I love about Japan!” What was even more surprising was when the plane arrived at Haneda, I looked out the window and saw the ground crew wearing uniforms and masks while bowing at the plane. I thought to myself, wow, this is incredible!

What is your favorite airline? Leave a comment and tell me about it!


 ドイツに到着してすぐに私はANAの(代表)担当社員が[ANA 東京]と書かれたプラカードを持って立っているのを見て驚きました。彼は私を見て「松島さんですか?」と言いました。近づいてきて乗り継ぎ便への案内をして、早めに搭乗手続き書類に記入しておくことをおもいださせてくれました。’なんて気の利いたサービスなんだ、日本のこういうところが好きだな’とおもいました。さらに驚かされた事は、飛行機が羽田に到着して、窓の外を見るとグランドスタッフがマスクをつけた制服姿でこの飛行機に向かってお辞儀をしている姿が見えました。Wow  信じられない! と思いました。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

 **customer survive**

I agree that Japan is quite good when it comes to the spirit of hospitality. It is still fresh in  our memory  that the word ‘Omotenashi’ is used to win the bid to host the Olympic Games . 

I guess nobody feels uncomfortable when they get good service or well trained manners . But I am sometimes taken aback when I get a low bow with both hands laid on the stomach at the cash register in the supermarket. That’s how they are taught and trained I suppose. But I said to myself ‘ you don’t have to do that far …’  In contrast, when I take a taxi , I am always a little bit nervous. If the driver sounds friendly I’m relieved and can enjoy small talk with him. When the driver gives a blunt reply, or rough driving , I feel quite  restless. Taking a taxi is something like a bet for me … The other day the driver was a young woman , she was kind enough to open the door for my husband and even asked if the inside temperature was ok or not … I was so impressed with her polite manners and heartfelt hospitality. Whatever their jobs are, I like people who work professionally and put  their heart in their jobs. 

Maybe the older I get , the more I am conscious about the quality of service.





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