
#743 The Miracle of Flight


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. The whole idea of…本来の趣旨/その考えそのもの

  2. ...is nothing short of…全く… にほかならない/ ほとんど(奇跡) だ

  3. On top of that….その上、そこにもってきて

Some might call me simple minded, but I find the whole idea of flying in an airplane nothing short of a miracle.  Think about it. You are literally sitting in a chair that is above the clouds and moving faster than anything on Earth.  On top of that, you can eat a meal, drink champagne, and be entertained with movies...all while sitting in a chair above the clouds! Every time I fly, I find it amazing!

⭐️What simple, ordinary, everyday things impress you? Leave a comment and tell me about it!


⭐️毎日の単純な普通の生活のなかに何かあらためて感心したりする物や事がありますか? 是非、コメントして教えてください。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san  for your 


Come to think of it , it’s really amazing to sit on the chair( in the plane)  on the clouds ! I’ve never thought that way .

Being in an airplane is just a painful thing to me.  If possible I didn’t want to do it. So when I heard ‘Have a nice flight !’ It sounded a little strange to me.( Do we say it  in Japanese? ) 

However, after going through this pandemic , if I have a chance to fly ,I will appreciate it more  and enjoy being on the clouds. 


飛行機に乗るのは私には苦痛でしかありませんでした。できるもなら利用したくない乗り物です。なので、旅立つ前に’Enjoy the flight ‘なんて言われても、どうもしっくりきませんでした。(enjoy できる人なんているのかな)




ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





2 件のコメント:

  1. Akiko-san is an extraterrestial,isn't she ?
    I have been taught how to manage my tablet by Akiko-san.
    She immediately solved the problem which I couldn't do for so many

    The movement of her powerful and speedy fingers is little short of a
    "miracle" for me.I wonder if she were an alien.

    Ms.ET! Thank you for helping me. You are the pride of Miami.
