
#748 Back in Japan


Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Tracking app  追跡アプリ

  2. Roll down the window 窓を開ける

  3. Turn up the music 音量をあげる

  4. Step on the gas アクセルを踏む

Now that I was free and clear of customs, the next question was, how do I get home? I was not allowed to take a train. At the airport, the staff made sure I installed tracking apps on my phone, so they could check my location at any time.  I could take a special taxi that would have cost more than 50000 yen. Instead,I decided to rent a car. Even though I was tired from my long flight, I enjoyed the drive home. The weather was beautiful and so I rolled down the window, turned up the music and stepped on the gas.  The car rental shop was about 4 or 5 kilometers from my house. First I drove home and dropped off my luggage. Then I dropped off the car. Finally I had a long walk home. It took about one hour, but I was happy to be home! 


フロリダ渡航記もそろそろ終盤、コロナ禍で長い自粛生活を送っていた私達にとってジョン氏のアメリカ滞在記は新鮮で感動したりハラハラしたりと、多いに楽しませてもらいました。まさにAmerican culture のたくさん詰まったお話でしたね。

さてMiami 英会話のカリキュラムも刷新されました。マイアミ生徒の英語力を効果的に更にアップさせようというジョン先生の意欲を感じる内容だと思いました。まずは受講してみて、意見、疑問、不安、不足を率直に尋ねられたら良いと思います。私も先日 、現地参加し、久しぶりにクラスで皆さんにお会いできてとても嬉しかったです。

同時に皆さんも緊急事態宣言解除以降, 活動が活発になった事とおもいます。私自身もだいぶ忙しくなりました。

楽しくブログ翻訳をさせていただいてきたのですが、上手い日本語を考える時間と余裕がなくなりそうです。雑な翻訳になる前にretire することをジョン氏に伝えました。応援してくださったマイアミの皆さんありがとうございました。Especially , Akiko san , thank you for responding to my 2cents . 私宛にコメントくださった方にお返事できずごめんなさい。しばらくは翻訳が付くかと思いますが、poor な日本語訳なしでジョン先生のブログをぜひ堪能して下さい。classの授業 同様、大変英語の勉強になります。また時間の余裕ができたら時々お手伝いさせていただきたいと思います。

Thank you all ,and see you again!!

Good Luck ! 



ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





5 件のコメント:

  1. Thank you for your great translation,Yaekosan!

  2. Yaeko san
    I appreciate your heartful translation.
    Thanks to your nice 2 cents,I could return home from Frorida safely
    through English mazes without losing sight of Dr.Miami.

    You looked kind of tired. I'm worried about it. Please take a rest
    for a while.

    Let's do chess,of course English! I'm expecting the day.
    Thanks again

  3. Yaeko san

    Thank you very much for your translation so far. I miss your 2cents, so please come back again.

  4. You are the best, Yaeko san! Thanks so much!

  5. Thank you for kind words, ladies!
    I’ll recharge myself and ‘I will be back !’

    ( I ‘m gonna miss 2 cents sign board .. )

    Thank you , CAT MAN , for giving me a hard time but it was really fruitful experience. I feel My English improved. ‘ no pain no gain’ that was true ..

    We were lucky , because even under this terrible Corona situation , we could enjoy traveling America worrying about mr. John …
    But at the same time we Miamians deepened our bond.
    Toast to our friendship 🥂

    Rick : Louie, I think this is the beginning of the beautiful friendship . ( Casablanca)
    That was one of my favorite movie quotes!
