Let’s get started!
Key Words & Phrases:
Pee おしっこ
Not allowed 許されていない
Check a document 書類を確認する
So far, so good 今のところ順調
Apps Application software アプリ
My paperwork was in order 私の書類は適切だった(ちゃんと書かれていた)
I am lucky that I peed before I got off the plane. Immediately after we stepped off there were two routes which to choose from, one was for Olympics staff and athletes, and the other was for me. I was impressed when I saw a couple of Athletes walk by me. The route that I went was a long one. It went around the terminal, down a long terminal to the next terminal, around that terminal, and back again. The bathrooms were closed and we were not allowed to enter. Stations were set up along the way. At each station, someone checked a document required for entry. At one station, I had to sit with a member of the staff and install tracking apps on my phone. So far, so good I thought. All my paperwork seemed to be in order, but...when can I use the bathroom????
******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!******
英語には日本語のonomatopoeia オノマトペ(擬音語、擬声語)のかわりに単語そのものにその様態を表す音が含まれていて、またその単語が動詞活用もします。
pee pee やpoo pooの発音からもイメージが可愛らしく変化して伝わりませんか?辞書には幼児語とありますが、カジュアルに大人も使うようです。しかしはたして私がこのblogでI am lucky that I peed before …. と言えるかなー?
映画プリティーウーマンで売春婦役のジュリアロバーツがopera house でエスコート役のリチャードギアにオペラの感想を尋ねられてI almost peed in my pants. と答え、慌てたリチャードを思い出します。
ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも
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