
July 15, 2018 Pocky

Miami 英会話



*7月の休みの日: 7/3, 7/8-7/21, 7/28,7/30,7/31


Easy part 簡単 You can do it!

The other day, I gave my souvenirs to my relatives. I said, "Do you like POCKY?" My cousin looked at me with a strange look. He couldn't understand.  He said, "Raw fish?"

Hard part チャレンジ  Give it your best shot!

Hawaiian people know POCKY, but they pronounce it differently. I said ポッキー、but they pronounce it ぱっきー。My cousing thought I said ぽっけ, which is a type of Hawaiian raw fish salad. It's kinda like マグロドン。

Hawaiian Poke

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