
#741 Thank God for Earplugs


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Thank God for….    … を神に感謝!                                             

  2. I couldn’t stand it    can’t stand …. …に我慢できない

  3. Driving me crazy  私の頭をおかしくさせる/ イライラさせる drive :駆り立てる

  The flight across the Atlantic from Chicago to Frankfurt was accompanied by the harmonious crying of 2 noisy babies. Actually, they weren’t babies but maybe 3 year olds?  Whenever one cried, the other would stop crying and it never seemed to stop.  Don’t they ever get tired, or hungry, or sleepy? They were driving me crazy. Eight hours of noise!!!!!  ARRGGGGGHHHHH!  I thought I couldn’t stand it, but then I thought about their parents and felt sorry for them. Oh, yea...I found my earplugs!

What drives you crazy? Leave a comment and let’s talk about it!

シカゴからフランクフルトへの大西洋横断は、二人の赤ん坊の泣き叫ぶやかましい協和音を伴った飛行となりました。実際その二人は赤ん坊ではなく三歳位? でした。必ず一人が泣くと、もう一人のほうは泣くのを止めるのですが、その繰り返しが延々と続くのです。一体、この二人は疲れたり、お腹が空いたり、眠くなるって事がないんだろうか? 頭がおかしくなりそうです。8時間ぶっ通しですよ!!!!          アァァガァァ!!    もう我慢の限界! この二人の親には同情してしまいます。あーっそうだ…耳栓を見つけました!

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

Oh, my ! For eight straight hours? Thank God I’ve never been there . It’s a torture!!! There was no way out on the plane , I’m sorry… 

I’m now in a hospital  waiting for my husband’s name to be called. Every seat is filled with elderly people . Next to this word on  the floor  is obstetrics. There are just a few pregnant mothers and their kids . And these two brats are running  around without masks shouting and screaming… . OMG!!

Old people’s eyes are all fixed to the two brats.But no one says any . Just watching . If it were in the restaurant the kids would be kicked out … or not , I don’t know. 

Yesterday was Respect-for -the- Aged Day. The  news said that the elderly  population is the highest ever , 29.1 percent of the total population . While the birth rate is declining five years in a row.

I have a mixed feeling about that…

Other news I was surprised and sorry about was that 67 post officers including postmen at Isogo Post Office in Yokohama  were infected with the Coronavirus.  Haven’t they got the vaccine yet? I think those  who can’t work remotely should have been prior to getting the vaccination…

I hope the day will come soon . The day we could say TGIF…Thank God It’s Fled away . 




もう一つショックなニュースがありました。横浜市磯子郵便局🏣の配達員を含む職員67名( 9/24現在77名)がコロナに感染。ワクチン未接種だったのでしょうか。リモートで仕事ができない職種の人達のワクチン接種は優先されるべきだったのではと残念に思います。

コロナが退散して、TGIF と喜び合える日が早く来ますように!!

**TGIF  : Thank God It’s Friday 花の金曜日 ——これをもじりまして、It’s Fled away としました。Itは鬼👹demon / Fled はflee 逃げるの過去分詞… 鬼が逃げて良かったねー    ちょっと無理がありますか?


ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





1 件のコメント:

  1. Let me correct a mistake in “ My 2 Cents”

    Error : word
    Correction : ward 病棟
