
#735 The COVID situation here


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. A big push for……に対して強力に推し進めること

  2. Political             政治的

  3. “There is no `I` in Team”                team という言葉にはI (私)という文字はない。             個人プレーではなく、チームへの貢献、利益、ニーズに焦点を当てて行動せよ

A lot of people support, and there seems to be a big push for the vaccine.  I wonder why people don't feel the  same about masks.

There seems to be a lot of confusion, and I blame it on the leaders. Some government officials say you don’t need a mask if you have gotten the vaccine, and others say you do.  To wear a mask or not to; to get the vaccine or not, have become political. I hate it. In Japan, as you know, nearly every store and restaurant has signs about COVID, and it is on the top of everyone’s mind. But it isn’t like that here.  I didn’t see so many signs about it,  people don’t do social distancing, nor wear masks ‘(a few do).  I wish American people could have more of a spirit of team effort like Japanese people do. 


******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!******

****  There is no I in team****

I wonder if we Japanese people  act  in the spirit of a team in this pandemic.  Apparently wearing masks , avoiding closed areas , washing hands etc have  come here to stay to some extent . In a way,  we get used to the new normal. And maybe it was brought on by team spirit efforts. But we have seen a lot of contradictions and nonsense as well. 

At some point,  the word , Mask police .. was even  born. People are watching over each other . People pay attention to the masks first  instead of cheerful greetings . 

As for the vaccination,   I was one of them not to jump on the bandwagon to get the vaccine . Then I felt awkward to hear some saying that she was taking  a vaccine for society, not only for herself. A doctor said it is kind of a duty as a nation to get a vaccine .They call it,‘obligation with effort’.  To me, it sounded  like the trend that drove Japan into the previous war. To me,  that is more scary than the Corona virus itself. On that point I felt I  could understand the people who object to being forced to wear masks or vaccines in Florida or elsewhere. 

By the way, I saw an odd scene the other day out of the window in the car. There was an electronic bulletin board held up on the street . It said ‘Refrain from going out unnecessarily’. And above the sign, many ropeways were running ! New ropeway in Sakuragicho. I asked my husband what kind of  people NEED a 5 minutes ride on it ?”He just answered. “ commuters  in an emergency” hahaha…  I felt the scene was odd.  

Anyway there seems to be no choice but to wear masks and get vaccinations against the Delta strain  at present. But until the Corona puts down I’d like to keep a good spirit to respect others and maintain our humanity.  

That’s really 2 cents worth of  my 2 cents.  Sorry .. 

****チームに私という文字は無い ****


ワクチンに関して言えば、私自身はワクチン予約に敢えて乗り遅れた一人でしたが、その事で気詰まりな思いをしました。ある人はワクチン接種は自分のためだけでなく、社会の為に受けるんだと公言していました。相談した医師は, ワクチン接種は国民としての一種の義務だからと言いました。そう言えば「努力義務」とも謳われていましたね。







( 文字通り2セント価値のmy 2 cents でした、すみません💦


ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも






5 件のコメント:

  1. this comment box also accepts a complain for 2 cent viewer ,right? before that
    i am not sure about ms yaeko san.if you dont mind ,please tell us about your career
    or something .your english sound like almost natives .if i can hear you speaking english,you must be native smooth.i am dying to know how you become such pro fesional writer.in other words,what made you your present status involving english.

  2. CORONA out,good life in! Demon Slayer,where are you now? You are just on the movie??
    Yosano Akiko,a famous poet in Meiji era,sturuggled through within-household infection by the pandemic,Spain Cold. She had 11 kids(so many). She had no choice expect home treatment at that time.
    She criticized the government'reactive approuch severly.
    "It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen."
    盗人を見て 縄をなう (泥縄 )
    We,humans,always have been the second mover since old days.
    CORONA is smarter. I'll spend a day only with dignity.

    1. Hello, Ritz! I like that phrase, "It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has already bolted". I completely agree. In my country, the government is really pushing to get the vaccine. They should have taken this attitude toward Corona when it first started. Now, they are doing too little, too late. Well, there you go! That's my 2 cents, straight from the horse's mouth!

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