
Cooter Brown

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. DRUNKER THAN COOTER BROWN.   ひどい酔っ払い, 大酒飲み

  2. The (American)Civil War                          アメリカ南北戦 争(1861-1865)

  3. Binge  はめをはずして何かをすること、大酒を飲むなど

  4. Inebriety 酩酊、大酒を飲む事

  5. Metaphor メタファー、隠喩、比喩の一種

  6. Simile  直喩 比喩の一種

  7. Eligible. 適任で、的確で        be  eligible for … …に適任な、資格のあ        る、対象となっている

  8. Military draft         徴兵

  9. draft (v)               (軍隊に)徴兵する

  10. Measure against … と比べて優劣を測る


Today’s post was written by Charlotte!  Enjoy!


Cooter Brown is a name used in metaphors and similes for drunkenness, mostly in the southern United States. Cooter Brown supposedly lived on the line which divided the North and South during the American Civil War, making him eligible for military draft by either side. He had family on both sides of the line, so he did not want to fight in the war. He decided to get drunk and stay drunk for the duration of the war so that he would be seen as useless for military purposes and would not be drafted. Inebriety has been measeured  against Cooter Brown's extended  binge ever since by use of the metaphors "as drunk as Cooter Brown" or "drunker than Cooter Brown."


本日の投稿はシャーロットさんによるものです。 どうぞお楽しみ下さい。


Cooter Brown は「酔っていること」を比喩的に表わす時に用いられる人名で、主にアメリカ南部で用いられています。Cooter Brown はアメリカ独立戦争時代、分断された北部と南部の境に住んでいたと言われ、彼は両軍の徴兵の対象になっていました。しかし彼には境界の両サイドに親戚家族がいたので、この戦争では闘いたくありませんでした。そこで彼はこの戦争の間ずっと酔っ払っていることにしました。酔っ払っていれば軍は彼を役に立たない無用者とみなし、兵役を免れるだろうと考えたのです。inebriety( 大量飲酒)はこの長期にわたるCooter Brownの飲酒量と比較され、その比喩的表現として「 Cooter Brown と同じくらい酔っぱらっている」あるいは「Cooter Brownをしのぐ酔っ払い」というように、以来使われています。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

I learned about metaphors and similes at John’s class a long time ago … 

Let me make sure about metaphors and similes again . 

metaphors (隠喩)vs. similes (直喩)

Metaphors and similes are types of figures of speech.    Generally they are called Hiyu in Japanese. While both are used to compare, the differences between the two come down to a word. Similes use the words like or as to compare things. 

メタファーとスィミリーはどちらも修辞法の一種です。日本語では一般的に比喩と呼ばれています。どちらも比較する際に使われる手法ですが、その違いは使われる言葉に表れます。simile 直喩はlike やas と共に「…のような」といった比較表現になります。

——Life is like a box of chocolate .

Metaphors directly state a comparison . 

———Marriage is a battlefield. 


くどくどとかきましたが、見分けかたは簡単。like やas が入ってるか入っていないかだけです。

 ではこちらはどちらでしょう?S or M ? 

  1. Charlotte is an angel. (        )

  2. She is as meek as a lamb. (         ) 

  3. I don’t want to look like mutton dressed as lamb (      )





ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





9 件のコメント:

  1. I’m happy to have new signboard , thank you !!
    Looks so cute and yummy ! Looks like a bar of chocolate !

    1. I was thinking about adding you photo..is it ok?

    2. Of course NOT !
      What if I was kidnapped?
      Besides I don’t think you can afford the ransom .
      It’s not gonna be 2 cents .

  2. By the way...I just remembered. In college, I used to go to a sports bar named Kooter Brown's! It had a K instead of a C.

  3. Yeah? What is the sports bar , by the way ?
    In college , they serve alcohol?

    I saw a bottle of beer labeled Cooter Brown on Google site.
    Maybe Cooter Brown is as famous as General Lee in the south.
    I don’t think he got any Medal though.

    1. Every Monday night is Football night from September to the end of January. A sports bar has many big screen TVs that show the game. People gather wearing t-shirts and jerseys of their favorite team and eat chicken wings and drink beer. An American tradition! hmmmm. Maybe I should write a post about it.

  4. Sounds fun !!!
    Please write about it .

  5. Thank you,Charlotte! I don't drink much alcohol, but I read your article interestingly.

    1.Charlotte is an angel. ( M
    2.She is as meek as a lamb. ( S )
    3.I don’t want to look like mutton dressed as lamb ( S )

    Yaeko san,are these the correct answers?

  6. Thank you akikosan for replying!!!!
    You are as sweet as honey 😉
