1. New Phrase:
pig out
— phrasal verb with pig US /pɪɡ/ verb -gg-
— phrasal verb with pig US /pɪɡ/ verb -gg-
Do you like to eat? Who doesn't? Everybody loves eating, I think. However, some people like eating too much. When I eat, I try to eat small meals. I don't like the feeling of being too full. I exercise a lot, but after I exercise I feel even hungrier than before. It is a difficult situation. Exercise seems to give me a bigger appetite. The more I exercise, the more I want to eat. After running, I feel like I wanna pig out on something. I heard that if you feel like pigging out, it is best to eat really sweet chocolate. The reason is because it is too sweet and you won't be able to eat so much. Does that sound like a good strategy? So remember, the next time you see me eating chocolate it is because I am on a diet, ha ha.
4. Challenge Time:
1. What size meals do I like to eat?
2. Why do I feel hungrier than before?
3. What should you do to avoid pigging out?
NEW! Travel英語
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Do you like to eat? Who doesn't? Everybody loves eating, I think. However, some people like eating too much. When I eat, I try to eat small meals. I don't like the feeling of being too full. I exercise a lot, but after I exercise I feel even hungrier than before. It is a difficult situation. Exercise seems to give me a bigger appetite. The more I exercise, the more I want to eat. After running, I feel like I wanna pig out on something. I heard that if you feel like pigging out, it is best to eat really sweet chocolate. The reason is because it is too sweet and you won't be able to eat so much. Does that sound like a good strategy? So remember, the next time you see me eating chocolate it is because I am on a diet, ha ha.
4. Challenge Time:
1. What size meals do I like to eat?
2. Why do I feel hungrier than before?
3. What should you do to avoid pigging out?
NEW! Travel英語
Thank-you for checking out my blog. If you have any friends, please tell them about it! Leave a comment and have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day!
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