
#727 ANT - Part 2

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Pitiful   哀れな/かわいそうな

  2. Extensive  広い/広範囲にわたる

  3. or else      さもないと

  4. howl          遠吠え

The tiny animal that Charlotte found seemed to be a cat. When she first showed it to me, I wasn’t sure if it was really a cat because it looked too pitiful. But, after an extensive search on Google, she showed me that it was a breed of WEREWOLF cat.  Actually, the breed is called “Lyoki” and means “wolf” in Greek. Whenever there is a full moon, Charlotte has to lock the cat in a cage or else it will attack everyone in the house and try to eat them while they are sleeping before running outside to howl at the moon with blood dripping from its teeth and claws…..just kidding...Ant is a nice cat….I think.


シャーロットの見つけたその小さな生き物は猫のようではありましたが、最初に彼女が私にそれを見せてくれた時ははたしてそれが本当に猫なのか確信できませんでした。あまりにも哀れで情けない姿をしていたからです。更にGoogleでいろいろ調べていくうちに、彼女が見せたものはウェアウルフ(狼おとこ) キャットの一種で、実際、ギリシャ語で狼を意味する、リュコイ(ライコイ)と呼ばれる種でした。満月の夜は必ずシャーロットはそのウェアウルフをケージに入れて鍵をしなくてはいけません。さもないと、その家の人間に飛びかかり、寝ている間に一人残らず食べてしまおうとするんです、外に走りでて月に向かって遠吠えをする前に。歯の間から血を滴らせながら…. なーんてね、冗談です。アントは優しい猫….. だとおもいます。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

I will say Charlotte is so brave and sweet . The Lyoki (Ant) was really lucky to be found and rescued. 

But the would-be CATMAN … I would say he is LUNATIC. 

cf.  #714

シャーロットさんはほんとに勇気があって優しい! 救出された猫ちゃんもいのち拾いしましたね。でもあの自称キャットマン氏は何ていうか、いささかLunatic 

*CATMAN    ブログ714参照




ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





8 件のコメント:

  1. The pictures reminded me of Gremlin's Gizmo. Charlotte is very kind.

    1. yea, we have to be careful around water...lol

  2. Comment Beginner2021年8月14日 16:09

    A tiny animal!・・before long it grows giant and manーeating cat.Oh,scary!

    ゙Little shop of hollows゙class film35
    The tiny plant grown monstrous has a craving for blood.

    Sorry,nice cat! Film Adict

    1. Thank you for your comment. That movie was a musical, wasn't it? It is a classic. I love musicals. What was the famous line again? I think it was "Feed me, Seymore!". ha ha

  3. Bad news everyone.....Ant has died. Charlotte said she tried to give it CPR, but it just couldn't hang on anymore. It had a short life, but at least it was a nice one thanks to Charlotte's care.

  4. Oh, no ————!
    Ant has just become popular here … I’m so sorry.
    But she got nice and warm care from Charlotte, which consoles me . RIP

    1. Thanks, Yaeko.
      I'm just as sorry as you are that Ant has passed away. But I'm glad I learned "RIP". It means "Rest in Peace" 「安らかに眠れ」

  5. Good morning Akiko.
    Yes I learned RIP from #725
    Maybe Ant is reading us while being held in Goddess’ arm . I’m now making a story to dedicate her ..ふふ
