
#728 A Proud Moment Part 1

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Steep      急勾配の

  2. Stream.   小川

I take my father out for a stroll around the neighborhood whenever it isn’t too hot or raining. This day, I decided to try a different road.  It had a steep hill.  I just hoped my dad’s wheelchair wouldn’t slip out of my hands as we went down the hill. He was drinking a beer. If he crashed, would that be considered drinking and driving? We gave it a shot and managed to get safely down the hill. Then I found a small stream that went under a small bridge in the road.  A nice grassy area and trees surrounded the area.  There was a small bench in front of the stream, and I wanted to sit there with my dad, but could I get the wheelchair through the grass and sand to the bench?  TO BE CONTINUED…..



******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

Yeah, I understand very well how hard it is to handle the wheelchair on a slope. When you push the wheelchair upward on the slope you need pretty much strength even if the road doesn’t look so steep. you can’t stop on the slope as well. When downward you have to hold the wheelchair with unbelievable strength, controlling the speed with break. I told myself ‘No pain , no gain , no gain no pain 😮‍💨what could I gain ? ……Just muscle on the arm…. I guess .  


坂道での車いすの扱いがいかに大変かよくわかります。上りの時は車椅子を押し上げるのにかなりの力が要ります。傾斜が緩く見えても大変です。途中で止まるわけにもいきません。下る時は車いすの人の体重で速度が加速しますからそれをハンドブレーキを使いながらコントロールするのにもありったけの力でひっぱられないようにしないといけません。ノーペインノーゲイン、no pain no gain でも何を gain (得る)できるかって?   腕の筋肉くらいかな〜


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