
#730 The Butterfly Part 1


Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. No one….but us 私達以外誰も…ない

  2. Out back.          (建物などの)裏手

  3. Scotch tape セロハンテープ

Charlotte is very good at taking care of things, people, animals, and even sometimes butterflies. One day, we took my father to his favorite bar for a beer.  Since it was about 1pm, no one else was in the bar but us.  Behind the bar was a nice area outside, so we pushed his wheelchair out back. I happen to notice a beautiful yellow butterfly on the ground next to my dad’s wheelchair. One of its wings was torn, and so it could not fly. Charlotte picked it up and got some scotch tape, and tried to fix it up so that it could fly again...TO BE CONTINUED…

シャーロットは物の手当てや、人、動物の世話がとても上手です。時には蝶のようなものまで。ある日私達は父をバーに連れて行きました。そこはビールを飲むのに父のお気に入りのバーです。午後1時近かったのでお店には私たちのほかには誰もいません。バーの裏の敷地は気持ち良さそうです。私たちは車椅子を押してバーの裏手に回りました。そこで、たまたまきれいな黄色い蝶々が父の車椅子のすぐ横の地面にいるのに気づきました。羽の一枚が破れていて飛べないでいるのです。シャーロットはその蝶を拾い上げ、とってきたセロハンテープでなんとか飛べるように直してあげようと試みました。  つづく

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>


It’s been a long time since I enjoyed drinking outside in a restaurant. On such a hot day there is nothing like cold beer . I could use a mug of beer with friends…  🍻



*Scotch tape 

Just before the rose buds open, if the stem of the rose breaks accidentally , scotch tape will do well. 

Lately I found masking tape is also good to use. Because it’s easy to tear and peel off. Besides, they have joyful colors.




ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





9 件のコメント:

  1. Yuka(Yaeko's niece)2021年8月23日 20:19

    It’s good way to use scotch tape!
    I have been reading your blog since my aunt told me about it.
    It's easy to understand and beautiful!
    let me keep reading this blog and study English.

    1. Wow! Hello Yuka. Nice to meet you and thank-you for reading my blog. Your Aunty Yaeko has helped me a lot with her beautiful Japanese translation. Does everyone in your family speak English. That's great!

  2. Is scotch tape really useful for butterfly wings? I can't wait Part 2.
    I has wanted to know earlier that it would be useful when the stem of the rose broke!

    1. Actually, it is amazing what you can find on the internet these days. When we found the butterfly, I immediately googled "How to repair a butterfly's broken wing", and VIOLA! I found YouTube videos about it!

  3. Thank you Yuka, I’m really glad that you had become one of John’s blog fans !
    In spite you’re really busy with your new baby ,you try to keep studying English. I admire you!!

    1. Thank you for telling me about the blog. It’s lovely!
      I enjoy it between babycare as refresh time.

  4. Hey !
    Wake up everyone !
    This is #730 , remember?
    Someone should get the PRIZE!!

    1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    2. Oops! I completely forgot. I missed a big chance.
