
#729 A Proud Moment Part 2

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Shift      ポジションを移行する

  2. Tremble 震える

  3. serenity 静けさ

I pushed the wheelchair as far as I could.  I thought this might be a good chance for my dad to get a little exercise by trying to walk to the bench. I lifted him out of his wheelchair.  His legs were trembling, so I held on to him.  I shifted his weight from his left to his right. After about 5 steps, he stopped to rest. “Don’t worry, Dad...I got you.”  We tried again...5 more steps. We made it to the bench!  The sun was going down and shining through the trees.  The stream was filled with so many turtles!  A quiet serenity filled the air. We talked. We listened. We talked some more. Then we decided it was time to go.  This time, after about 3 steps, he stopped and said, “Oh, no.”  

We both knew that he couldn’t make it to the wheelchair.  I looked at him. I looked at the wheelchair, and then I just picked him up and carried him over to it. An image flashed through my mind of when I was a child, and looking up to my strong father.  An image of him carrying me.  After I put him in the wheelchair, he seemed shocked, gave a little smile, and said, “You did good, son”. A tear ran down my face and I smiled back at him.


  沈みかけようとしている陽の光が木々の間を照らしています。川のいたるところに亀が見えます。あたりは穏やかな静けさに包まれていました。私達は話をし、聞き、そしてまたすこし話をしました…                                 そろそろ時間です。私達は戻ることにしました。しかし今回は3歩いったところで父は止まってしまい、言いました。「oh, no」. 車椅子まで歩くのはとても無理だろうと私達二人にはわかりました。私は父を見ました。そして車椅子を見ました。私は父を持ち上げ、そのまま車椅子まで抱え運びました。ある光景が脳裏を横切りました。それはたくましい父を見上げている子どもの時の私です。私を持ち抱えている父の光景です。 私が父を車椅子に座らせると、父はややショックを受けた様子でしたが、少し微笑んで言いました。「よくやった 」涙が頬をつたいました。私は父に微笑み返しました。

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

I have many pictures in my mind cut out from some scene I experienced . Sometimes the picture is an image from a book I read or from a story I heard . And those pictures flashed back are rather quiet and still and don’t have such strong emotions . But they are so clear and vivid as if I could touch them.  

The stream, the bench , the sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees ..this scenery might be one of the pictures in my mind as well.

The depicted scenery built up with simple words ,however,deliver some tangible atmosphere as if I was there .

The last words of your dad to you  must be engraved on your mind for good. 

I hope it all goes well for your father.





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