
#723 : Howdy

Click here for a funny video.

Let’s get started!

“Howdy” is a word used by southern people, and is a friendly way of saying “Hello”. One thing I realize that I missed about America is how friendly everyone is.  Whenever I take my dad out for a stroll in his wheelchair, almost every person that passes by in a car waves and smiles. Of course, in Japan people politely nod sometimes, but it is rather like a ritual, and there is never any eye contact. Don’t get me wrong, I love Japanese people, but it is just a bit different, a bit colder.  American people don’t like to do things just because it is a rule, so when someone is nice and friendly, it feels warmer. (Of course, my students are always warm and friendly!) We stopped and talked to some strangers we met on the street and some lady in a car drove by and said we should watch out for crazy drivers.

Americans….friendly, and sometimes crazy. Ha ha. That’s me!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Stroll (v)…ぶらつく/ 散歩する( walkに も散歩するという意味がありますが、stroll は時々立ち止まったり、あちこち見たりしながら散歩する感があります。stroll の接頭辞、st- はstand 由来)

  2. Wave (v)….手を振る

  3. Ritual … 儀式/ 儀式の

“Howdy ハウディ”は、南部の人に使われている、”Hello”にもっと親しみを込めた挨拶表現です。私が(日本で)アメリカを懐かしくおもっていたことの一つは、誰もが皆気さくで、フレンドリーだという事だったんだと、今、改めてわかります。車椅子の父を外に連れ出し散歩していると、殆どの人が車の中から手を振ってくれたり、にっこりしてくれます。日本でも丁寧な、うなずくような挨拶を受けますが、お互いの目をあわせたりはしません。幾分儀礼的な感があります。わたしは日本の方が大好きなので誤解しないでいただきたいのですが、挨拶の仕方が少し違っていて、幾分よそよそしい感じを否めません。アメリカ人はそういった挨拶を好しとしません、それは暗黙のルールのようなものです。だれかが優しくフレンドリーだと、そこにより温かさを感じるのです。(もちろん、わたしの生徒さんたちはいつだって温かく、フレンドリーです!) ここでは、私たちは道で会った知らない人とでも、立ち止まって話をすることがありますし、あるご婦人などは通りがかりの車の中から、「イカれたドライバーもいるからね、気をつけなさいね」なんてわざわざ声をかけてくれたりします。

アメリカ人…. フレンドリー、時々クレージー はは、それは私ですかね!

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation! (She is warm, too!) *******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

I have a lot of 2 cents opinions  about the different ways of greetings or of showing affection (feelings)in public  between the two countries.  But when I start , as you know, this corner goes  crazy . 

Just one thing, maybe it’s to do with American people not wearing face masks as much as Japanese do even  in this corona situation .. no hugs, no kisses, no shake-hands, no loud talk .. above all not seeing a smile  behind a  mask is really intolerable for them. 

…When on earth people can be free from the masks !  






ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





2 件のコメント:

  1. I agree with your feeling. Most of US people is super friendly. I've heard someone saying " Hi folks! " . Is that also kind of southern style of US? On the flip side There is never greeting culture with strangers in Japan. It might affect land shape of japan that consists four small island also surrounded by the ocean. In the fact, Japan had closed the country to be banned to connect other country until 200 yrs ago. I would say Japanese might hesitate to get involved with others on unconscious mind.

  2. Yes,I agree that it does seem to be a part of Japanese culture. Everyone seems to just want to "mind their own business". You are right, that people are more friendly in the South. I wonder if people are as friendly in New York. Thanks for your comment.
