
#732 I could live here BUT….

Let’s get started!

Key Words & Phrases:

  1. Lazy-boy chair  1人がけ安楽椅子/ リクライニングチェア

  2. Quicksand   流砂 (比喩的に)蟻地獄

  3. sink             沈む

I would be fat.  Life can be so comfortable here. Huge sofa, Lazy-boy chairs, huge TV,  so much food, so much yummy junk food, and hundreds of TV channels. I think American people don’t realize how lucky they are.  I visited my cousin April the other day, and her house is like a castle because it is so big.  It would be easy to quarantine during COVID because the houses are so comfortable and huge! There is a proverb that says, “Comfort is quicksand”.  Right now I am sinking into the couch. Ahhhhhhh……..

太っちゃうだろうなぁ。ここでの生活はあまりに快適なんです。おーーきなソファーにリクライニングチェア、大画面のTV、たっぷりの食べ物においしいジャンクフード、それに何百もあるテレビチャンネル。アメリカ人は自分たちがどんなに恵まれているかわかってないんじゃないかな。いつだか4月のある日、いとこの家を訪ねたことがあります。彼女の家はまるでお城のように広いのです。コロナで自宅隔離になっても、これだけ広ければ快適に過ごせると思いました。こんな諺があります。”快適さは流砂” 今私は快適カウチに沈み込んでいます。アーァァァ

******Thank-you, Yaeko san for your translation!*******

;) Yaeko’s 2 Cents------>

Thanks to the internet we can easily get the information we need . But at the same time we are annoyed by the endless advertisements or unpleasant pictures on the way . This time ,one scary picture stuck in my mind and I just couldn’t  get rid of it , even now. The picture came into sight when I googled ‘quicksand.’ That was a picture of a hand sticking out of quicksand ! Oh, no. But the picture explained ‘quicksand' better than any  other words . Too much though.     Yes,  Mr.John was sinking into the quicksand named couch. 

インターネットのおかげで簡単に欲しい情報が手に入るようになりましたが、同時にエンドレスな広告や見たくない写真や映像に悩まされます。今回、quicksand を検索中に、なんとも怖い写真が一枚、目に焼き付いてしまい、払拭できないでいます。砂から人の手だけがでている絵です。この絵でquicksand が瞬時に理解できましたが、too much でした。

他にもsand やcastle で思い浮かぶ日本の諺がありましたね。

I came up with another saying. 

 A castle  in the air/ house built on sand 砂上の楼閣

Castle of sand      砂の器

And I found a site written by Micheal Barata , it says: 

Comfort denies new experience ,

Comfort ignores creativity ,

Comfort stunts growth,

Comfort delays learning… 

Comfort に溺れてると、ダメだよーという教訓ですね。



There also was a good lesson about the proverb .. by Michel Barata 


ブログをご覧いただきありがとうございます。 是非、お友達にも





5 件のコメント:

  1. Wow! How cool the 2 cents picture is ! Tha…. … wait a minute! 2cents is 2 cents , nothing more whoever will be on the coin .
    Should I demand Franklin instead?
    Ummmm… it’s a tough call. Poor tall guy or fat rich bald man , a us president or a founder of the American constitution … which would you choose ?? Coin or Bill ?

  2. Sitting is the new smoking.
    But I'm envious of the American largeーsized lifestyle.
    I'll try to spend ゙Quicksand゙days during corona jail??
    How easy! How comfortable!

    1. Hi, Ritz! Do Ritz crackers come in large as well? I like your phrase. "Sitting is the new smoking". ha ha. I wonder if they have a patch for that. Have a nice day!

    2. Sitting is the new smoking …
      Thank you for the new warning , which seems to be around in the US or everywhere on earth ?
      I’ll keep that in mind !
