
November 16, 2018 Chikan!


11月 18, 23, 27 は休みです。
Please study English at your home on those days.

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Image result for chikan signImage result for chikan signImage result for chikan signImage result for chikan sign


Good morning Miami!  

I have never seen signs like this in the U.S. Have you ever ridden on one of the "Women's Only" cars on the train?  The purpose is to protect women against being groped, but I am not sure it is such a good idea.  I think it would be  better to make harsher laws against molesters. Women have to stand up to molesters!

In my hometown, we don't have a train system, so women don't have to worry about molesters so much, BUT occasionally you hear about perverts on the bus, or flashers who go around and expose themselves to children waiting for the bus.

Watch out for molesters and perverts and have a nice day!

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