
4/10 #661 First Time to Japan




New words & phrases:
It seems like yesterday
Hard Rock Cafe

First Time to Japan
I remember the first time I came to Japan. It was in April of 1998. It seems like yesterday.  The cherry blossoms had just come out. It was my first time to see them as there are no cherry blossoms in my hometown. I was so excited to be here. It was also my first time outside of the U.S. I felt like I was on a different planet. Everything was so different and interesting.

I remember the first time I visited Yokohama. I went to the Hard Rock Cafe in Landmark Tower.  I wasn't accustomed to eating Japanese food yet, so I wanted a good old-fashioned HAMBURGER!  I love Hard Rock. They have lots of memorabilia from famous musicians on the walls. If you have never been there, you should check it out!

Although I have gotten used to many things in Japan, I am still excited to be here because I am still seeing, eating, learning, and experiencing new things. I feel lucky to be in Japan.

Thank-you for checking out my blog. If you have any friends, please tell them about it!
Leave a comment and have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day! 

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