
4/11 #662 O - Oranges


New words & phrases:
In case

In case you haven't noticed, I like the color orange.   I like it because it isn't too bright, and it isn't too dark.  Florida is famous for oranges, although I had never seen an orange tree until I came to Japan. lol.  The pronunciation of the word orange is almost the same as "aren't". That reminds me of a joke.

Jack: Knock, knock.
John: Who's there?
Jack: Banana
John: Banana who?
Jack: Knock, knock.
John: Who's there?
Jack: Banana
John: Banana who?
Jack: Knock, knock.
John: Who's there?
Jack: Banana
John: Banana who?
Jack: Knock, knock.
John: Who's there?
Jack: Orange
John: Orange who?
Jack: Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

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Leave a comment and have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day! 

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2 件のコメント:

  1. Hello〜😊Jack and John 💕💕

    That's hilarious🤣🤣🤣
    You're funny
    best combination✨⭐️✨👍🏼✨
    I like how he says jokes with a serious look

    Ta-da‼︎‼︎ Banana is here
    It's real 😁

    Thank-you for making me smile
    Jack is always good for a laugh
    I love J and J❤️Besitos😘😘😘

    1. Jack is always fooling around. I am much more serious, don't you think? I'm happy you enjoy my blog. Thanks for reading!
