
4/18 #668 A fat guy and a girl with pink hair



New words & phrases:
  1. commute
  2. huge
  3. take up space
  4. move over
  5. smoosh

A fat guy and a girl with pink hair
I think someday I may write a book about riding the train. There are always so many interesting things about it.  Today, during my morning commute, there is a fat guy sitting across from me. No, not just fat but really huge. He must be a sumo wrestler. He is taking up 3 seats!  Other people get on the train and think they found an empty seat just to find that a big fat man is sitting there.  Sometimes people are rude and take up lots of space when they sit on the train. In that situation, you can ask them to move over, but what can you say to a fat guy? Stop being fat?

A few seats down from him there is a girl with pink hair. I can see that the girl sitting next to her is becoming irritated because the girl with pink hair keeps pushing her elbows into her as she does her smartphone.

There is a bee on the floor. It is crawling around.  People walk over and around it. I think no one noticed it but me. It hasn't gotten smooshed....yet.

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