
4/14 #665 Banana or Cookie



New words & phrases:
  1. grab
  2. half-hearted
  3. magnificent
Banana or Cookie?

This morning the coffee shop was empty. There were fewer people than usual. Perhaps because it is Sunday. The manager greeted me as he always does with his half-hearted smile. "Hello, John. It's nice to see you again. It seems like it's going to be a wonderful, wonderful day. Are you you working today?" "Yes", I replied.  "If I weren't working, I'd still be sleeping and miss this beautiful morning".
He then turned around, grabbed something and then turned back towards me with something yellow in his hand. "How about a delicious banana? It has a magnificent shape, and it's color matches the morning sunlight". I said no thank-you. When he asked why I said, "Well, a cookie has the shape of the sun and there is no peel to throw away at the end.  

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Leave a comment and have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day! 

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