
4/20 #670 Attention to Detail



New words & phrases:
  1. pay attention to detail
  2. align
  3. drill instructor
  4. wrinkle
  5. yank
  6. tornado

Attention to Detail
A big part of Navy bootcamp was learning to pay attention to detail. It was very difficult at first. For example we had to fold our clothes and put them on the shelf with the corners aligned perfectly. If they were off even 1cm, the drill instructor would get angry and throw your clothes across the room. The same went with our bed sheets. They had to be pulled tight and the corners had to be folded a certain way. If there was even one wrinkle, the drill instructor would yank off all your bed sheets and make you do it again.  I remember one day when we came back from lunch, everyone's clothes and bed sheets were thrown around the room. It looked like a tornado had been in our room.  We had 5 minutes to clean it up.

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