
4/9 #660 頑張ります



New words & phrases:
movie lines

I like this word. I think there is no one word with the same meaning in English. Perhaps the best way to say this in English would be "I'll do my best". But in my opinion, 頑張ります has a much stronger meaning.  It is more like "I will give it everything I have."  In my country, people like to say "I'll try". However, the feeling is that the person will do it with 70% effort.  For example, if someone invites you to a party, but you don't really want to go, you can say "I'm busy, but I'll try." Then, it is ok if you don't show up.  One of my favorite lines from Star Wars is from Yoda. He said, "Do or do not; there is no try". 

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5 件のコメント:

  1. はやぶさ22019年4月9日 9:08

    I totally agree with you. Tthat is nothing but Samurai spirit!

  2. I don't know the reason, but I can't listen to this blog.

  3. Many thanks John! This system is easy to listen, so it's very convenient to me.
