
January 16, 2019 Sunrise



This is a photo that one of my students sent me of the first sunrise of the year. Isn't it beautiful?

Click here to listen. FAST

Click here to listen. SLOW

Are you ready for today's fantabulous English blog?

New words & phrases:

  1. twilight
  2. fade away
  3. twinkle
  4. silvery
  5. thoughts cloud my mind
  6. vast

Let's get started!
I think one of the most beautiful things in the world is the sunrise.  My second favorite time of day is the early morning twilight before the sun rises.  I enjoy jogging along the beach, looking up and seeing the last remaining stars twinkle before they fade away by the light of the sun. The ocean is a cool silvery-blue color.  At this time, anything is possible. No thoughts cloud my mind as the day has not yet begun. What will the new day bring me? What will happen before the sun completes its journey across vast sky? I'm here waiting....waiting for the sun.

Today's haiku by John:

Sunrise here it comes
Only forward never back
The new light blinds me

What do you think of my haiku? Leave me a comment and let me know!

*お願い!Since my Japanese is not so good, could someone please leave a comment and explain the new words and phrases?  Thank-you!

Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day!

11 件のコメント:

  1. I tried to translate your haiku into Japanese. Is it OK with this feeling?
    I'm sorry,it has no season.( Muki-haiku 無季俳句)

    陽がのぼる  Higa noboru
    明るい未来  Akarui mirai
    目にしみて  Meni shimite

    1. Wow! Thank you, Akiko san! I forgot that it should be connected with a season, right? Should it contain an onomatopoeia, too? How about this?

      Sunrise breaks the cold
      Only forward, never back
      The new light blinds me.

  2. Wow! Akiko San !
    You’re awesome!!
    Not only properly you translated English into Japanese , but put those English words into fixed form of poem 5-7-5 perfectly !
    Beautiful !!!

  3. 1. Twilight ( 名) たそがれ( 時)
    ( 日の出前、日の入り後の)
    2. Fade away (動) 次第に薄れる/ 消える/弱まる
    3. Twinkle (動) キラキラと輝く
    4. Silvery (形容詞) 銀白色の
    5. Thoughts cloud my mind
    (うまく訳せませんが、cloud は動詞で影を落とす、曇らせるという意味がありましたので、
    6. Vast (形) 広大な
    ( 広がりを表すときによく使われるようです。)

  4. In another note, when is the most favorite time of day for you?

    1. I think you mean, "On another note..." Good try. My favorite time of day is about 1 hour before sundown. Everything turns golden, the sky looks radiant, the moon and stars start to come out as well as the hustle-bustle of the city night-life. I was born around 5pm. I wonder if that is the reason why.

  5. On another note, yes , I made a mistake as usual .
    So you like twilight time ...
    before sunrise and sunset .
    I never asked myself what time of day I like best .
    But around that time scenery looks always different .
    Sometimes it’s breath-taking .
    I remember a movie ‘ before sunrise’
    And a few years later they made ‘after sunset’
    The same actor and actress in the movies.
    The actor was Ethan Hawk .
    I enjoyed their conversation very much.

    1. I've heard of Ethan Hawk, but I haven't heard anything about him lately. I wonder what happened to him.
