
January 19, 2019 WINDSURFING Part 2



Did you know that the windsurfing world cup was held in Yokosuka last year? I didn't participate, though!

Are you ready for today's fantabulous English blog?

New words & phrases:
  1. situation
  2. drift
  3. zip
  4. pro

Let's get started!

One of my favorite proverbs is:

"We cannot change the wind, but we can change the direction of our sails."  

This means that when we have a difficult time in our lives, we can change the situation by changing ourselves.

The best thing I liked about windsurfing was that it was so quiet.  Of course, there is no motor. Just the gentle wind, the warm sun, and the taste of salt on my lips.  Sometimes I would stop the board, put the sail down and just lie on the board, drifting in the ocean.

I used to go to Miurakaigan, but it seems all the pros go to Zushi.  If you watch them, they are really awesome.  They zip across the ocean from side to side so elegantly as if they were dancing on the water.

Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day!

5 件のコメント:

  1. Thanks for a nice proverb.
    I liked that. But I have a slightly different take from yours .
    I can take it this way .
    All though The situation ( difficulties) can’t change but by changing the way to approach
    like shifting the perspective or a state of mind ..
    like you say , you can get through the tough
    time . ちがうかな?

    1. Sounds great. How about this --->
      "Although the situation can't be changed, one can change his approach, perspective, or state of mind to get the tough times."

  2. 1. Situation (名詞) 状況
    2. drift (動詞) 漂う
    3. zip ( 動詞) 素早く動く, ビューンと
    *この場合,[疾走する ]ではどうでしょう?zip ( past , through, across と一緒に使われたりします。)
    Zip には他にもファスナーをしめる、や

    4. pro =professional 専門家、玄人 職業にしている人... ですが、この場合は 経験を積んだ人
    プロは... と訳してはいかがでしょう
    Well-experienced people

    I loved this line : They zip across the ocean from side to side as if they were dancing .
    I can get a picture of the scene as if I were there , I could feel breeze from the ocean .

    Now I’ll zip my mouth ... I talk too much every time. Thank you , Mr.John , your blog always gives me a zip !

  3. Thank you, Mr.John, yours made my thought
    clear-cut . Impressive !!!
    ありがとう😊 私の英語はまだまだですねー
    Have a wonderful day !
