
January 23, 2019 Karate Kid


Karate Kid

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Are you ready for today's fantabulous English blog?

New words & phrases:
  1. Karate
  2. version
  3. is expected to
  4. tv series
  5. deck
  6. inspired me to....
Let's get started!

One of my favorite movies is "Karate Kid". I'm talking about the old version, not the new one with Jackie Chan.  The Karate Kid is one of the few movies that teach real Japanese culture.  For example, Mr. Miyagi (the karate teacher) teaches Daniel (the student) that the teacher teaches,  the student learns and that he isn't allowed to ask any questions. NO QUESTIONS! Also, Daniel is expected to pay for his lessons, not with money, but with his hard work and effort.  This is very difficult for Daniel. Mr. Miyagi tells Daniel to paint his fence and sand his deck, but Daniel just says "Why, why, why????"

This movie inspired me to learn Karate when I was 13.  I did it for about 3 years, but I gave up because I always lost. ha ha.

Recently, there is a new tv series called "Cobra Kai" which continues the story, but now Daniel is in his 40's.  I don't like this new show.  I think that it doesn't capture the spirit of the original movie.

Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful day!

2 件のコメント:

  1. 1. Karate 空手

    2. Version 版 書籍などの場合はedition

    3. Be expected to 〜 ...するように期待されて
    いる( ここでは〜するように求められている/ 要求されている)

    4. TV serise 連続テレビ番組

    5. Deck (n) 板 sand a deck ... 板にヤスリ

    6. Inspire ( v) 鼓舞する• 激励する•やる気にさ

    Capture (n) 捕まえる•取り込む
    Catch は動いているものを捉える
    Capture は苦労してつかみとる感じが

  2. I’m sorry , capture is used as a verb 動詞 here.
